American politics, or…

World Championship Worm Wrestling?  😦 Drones that ‘think’ like humans could be heading for war zones: Darpa chip uses ‘neural networks’ to act like the human brain Daily Mail February 8, 2016 The Pentagon is funding research to develop a microchip that not only promises brain-like artificial intelligence, it is small enough to fit inside… Continue reading American politics, or…

Catch 33…

(33rd Degree)  😦 (And if you think Harry Truman really owned his own ring, then you’re highly deluded)  😉 Watch GOP Debate HERE: Infowars Live Debate Analysis Tonight 7pm CST on Infowars: Exclusive coverage of the GOP debate! Prison January 14, 2016 Watch as Alex Jones and the Infowars Nightly News give real-time commentary on tonight’s GOP… Continue reading Catch 33…

Cathy’s Clowns…

See you in hell, Zion  😦 ‘RIP‘ ~ Kate Nesbitt  😦 Erdogan Pledges to Start War Over Russian Anti-aircraft System in Syria Moscow has deployed its advanced S-400 air defense system in Syria Kurt Nimmo Prison November 27, 2015 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told CNN International his country will consider it an act… Continue reading Cathy’s Clowns…

Like rust, ‘KAOS’…

Never sleeps  😉 Comments to a ‘CYBER–SECURITY‘ subnet  😦 . Movie Critic Complains: Charlie Brown Lacks ‘Non- White Love Interest’ Variety’s Debruge thinks The Peanut Movie should have pushed sexual agenda Kit Daniels Prison November 2, 2015 A movie critic is upset at the upcoming Charlie Brown movie because the titular character doesn’t have… Continue reading Like rust, ‘KAOS’…

The Dream…

Is Over   😦 Video: Facebook Reportedly Censoring Anti-TPP Posts Facebook has previously shown support for TPP Kit Daniels Prison October 9, 2015 Facebook is reportedly censoring an article critical of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Within the first 30 minutes of its publication on, the article entitled TPP to Kill Thousands by Expanding Monopoly Power… Continue reading The Dream…


(Believe)   😉 In 1964 after the murder of a girl “Monika Cross” I’d been sweet on in front of me instead of ‘Believing’ in things, or people, quite early on at age 7 I’d learnt to verify every fact, or the integrity and goodwill of any person, four times over, then and only then I’d place… Continue reading I-don’t…

Everybody’s fool…

is dissenting again   😦 So, Umm, you think you know-me, right?  😉 Kind of like a database-aided occultism Huh?  😉 Gee, there’s almost an industry trying to deceive now  😉 I’ve a confession to make, I’d been awake and aware ‘BEFORE’ the Zionist Masonic fascists in ‘CIA’ got hold of me in 1959 ~ My step-dad, a 2… Continue reading Everybody’s fool…

American anal virginity…

Why Capital Is Fleeing China: The Crushing Costs of Systemic Corruption Pollution and environmental damage is driving away human capital, i.e. talent. Charles Hugh Smith Of Two Minds September 5, 2015 What China will be left with a poisoned land stripped of talent and capital. Corruption isn’t just bribes and influence-peddling: it’s protecting the privileges of… Continue reading American anal virginity…

Allah Khazzam-Shazzam Hey Presto, although everyone I’d ever loved is dead, Zion says it’s all good now…

If you asked-meee, I’d say the American und (sic) British Masonic Zionist elite are always relying on the fluoride in your water and the saccharin cyclamate in most of your food to spiritually inspire your intellect to fit in with their feudal concepts, along with the metrosexual butt-sex along with the ‘GMO’ based degradation of your ‘DNA’… Continue reading Allah Khazzam-Shazzam Hey Presto, although everyone I’d ever loved is dead, Zion says it’s all good now…

Moi? As stupid as you are?

Riddle-me this ~ What’s German (Born) and George, is currently ‘91‘ yet remains ‘41‘ for the rest of this world’s sad sick silly sorry stupid fcuking deluded lying existence? Go on smartasses, answer my riddle  😉 He’s a German born fake, Prescott’s illegitimate son by a German woman who took his lookalike American born 1\2 brother’s… Continue reading Moi? As stupid as you are?


. Russian tanks on White House? Students protest Obama V-Day snub using ‘projection’ RT May 8, 2015 May 8, 2015?   😉 May 8, 2015?   😉 May 8, 2015?   😉 A Russian youth group released a video seemingly showing activists projecting footage of the Moscow Victory Parade on to the walls of the White House in… Continue reading FANTASTIC PLANET

Big Trouble in Little China, or, Operation Blowback on Moon Base Alpha One

. ZIONIST TREASON EVERYWHERE  😦 (The Ukraine crisis has been settled, all US Masonic-Zionists are lying)  😦 LEARN SHIT WHILE YOU CAN   😦 . Muddying the Waters: US Interested in Keeping Up Ukrainian Crisis Sputnik April 25, 2015 It seems to be only a matter of time until the next military escalation, a German magazine… Continue reading Big Trouble in Little China, or, Operation Blowback on Moon Base Alpha One

Cyber Security versus Prison

. Destroying a decade ahead  😦 To hide the previous five  😦 . California One Vote Closer to Forced Vaccination Politics at play in vote that many are calling “totally rigged” Lee Ann McAdoo Prison April 22, 2015 California’s draconian Senate Bill 277 passed today with a vote of 7 to 2. This takes… Continue reading Cyber Security versus Prison

My 100th post while waiting for the justice that true love would bring, and the sanity that only truth gives a damn about, and nothing-else matters…

. U.S.-Russia War Over Ukraine? Patrick J. Buchanan April 17, 2015 “Could a U.S. response to Russia’s action in Ukraine provoke a confrontation that leads to a U.S.-Russia War?” This jolting question is raised by Graham Allison and Dimitri Simes in the cover article of The National Interest. The answer the authors give, in “Countdown… Continue reading My 100th post while waiting for the justice that true love would bring, and the sanity that only truth gives a damn about, and nothing-else matters…

Serious? Silly? Stupid? ~ You asking about you or me, suck-cocker??

. JPMorgan Chase CEO: Economic Crisis Inevitable “There will be another crisis, and its impact will be felt by the financial markets,” he wrote Kit Daniels Prison April 10, 2015 Another economic crisis like the Great Recession is inevitable, according to JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who heads the bank that recently imposed capital… Continue reading Serious? Silly? Stupid? ~ You asking about you or me, suck-cocker??

Curve ball ~ Question everything

. . . The US of A still needs amnesty for treason  😦 Took 2000 Masons to pull the 911 attacks   😦 . And took 12,000 to cover it up after too  😦 The culture of lies is endemic to Zion   😦 . . . . . CSpan work for the ‘NSA’ now?  😦 Infowars =… Continue reading Curve ball ~ Question everything


. Soros-funded Media Matters Attacks O’Reilly for Exposing “Puppet Master” George Soros Host claimed billionaire philanthropist has “his tentacles into political organizations” Adan Salazar Prison March 20, 2015 Soros and his International Crisis Group played a role in the campaign which sought to galvanize public support behind the US military’s invasion of Africa. The… Continue reading “ON-MESSAGE”

Quick historical re-cap and refocus

. According to two FCC commissioners, those new regulations are bad all around Brad Matthews March 5, 2015 The Obama administration and proponents of the FCC’s version of net neutrality may be ecstatic at the passing of regulations that make the Internet a public utility on Feb. 26th, but not all FCC members are… Continue reading Quick historical re-cap and refocus

Mengele’s Zionist-run identity swaps

. TIME TO REALLY THINK   😦 . Ron Paul: Ukraine Coup Planned By Nato And EU Zero Hedge February 15, 2015 As Ron Paul recently exclaimed, the war propagandists are very active and are winning over the support of many unsuspecting American citizens. So we thought the followingg 90 seconds of ‘pure Paul’ would provide a… Continue reading Mengele’s Zionist-run identity swaps

Gay political-kabala butt-sex = Zionism in the Masonic Lodge

. What goes on behind closed doors in the male section of the Masonic lodge in the way of kinky male only sexual witchcraft from the Jewish kabala would soon shock most people, yet not as much as Masons Rumsfeld and Cheney whacking JFK from the Grassy Knoll for other higher order Masons, and then… Continue reading Gay political-kabala butt-sex = Zionism in the Masonic Lodge

America, you totally cuckoo!

. ISIS Supporters Praise Attacks on French Citizens Driver targets pedestrians after he is unable to find soldiers or police Kurt Nimmo Prison December 22, 2014 December 22, 2014? December 22, 2014? December 22, 2014? A driver screamed “Allah is Great” before running down pedestrians in Dijon, France, on Sunday. (Any Sunday?) Eleven people… Continue reading America, you totally cuckoo!

New York? = Toilet-paper for Zion to wipe it’s butt now?

. Video: New York City Police officers turn their backs on DeBlasio in disgust Prison December 21, 2014 Rows of New York City police officers turned their backs on New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio at a press conference Saturday night after the murder of two police officers in Brooklyn. Related posts: RoboCops: Professional policing of… Continue reading New York? = Toilet-paper for Zion to wipe it’s butt now?

America? = Full of shit!

. (Read the following post to find out how it started) . Syrian No-Fly-Zone a Bid to Save Al Qaeda Tony Cartalucci NEO December 14, 2014 Recent strikes on Syria by Israel have been alleged to be part of a regional plan by the US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel to establish a no-fly-zone… Continue reading America? = Full of shit!

“We deny we’re in denial” ~ (Washington DC politicians)

. . Must See: An Explosive Debate Over Sandy Hook Prison December 13, 2014 Rob Dew moderates a debate between American Free Press writer Keith Johnson and Sandy Hook Investigator Wolfgang Halbig. This marathon interview covers many of the questions that investigators are asking about the events in Newtown, Conn., as we approach the… Continue reading “We deny we’re in denial” ~ (Washington DC politicians)

They get a little crazy

. Zion is still pretty confidant They think you wont get it . US Birth Rate Hits All-Time Low Bahar Gholipour Live Science December 5, 2014 The U.S. birth rate reached an all-time low in 2013, as the number of babies born in the country declined for the sixth straight year since the peak in… Continue reading They get a little crazy