The Plane Truth…

Sarcastically expressed  😉 So, Umm, those ‘Bavarian Illuminati‘ just went away did they Freemasons?  😉 What’s Behind Bernie Sanders’ Socialism? Charles Scaliger The New American November 27, 2015 At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire on October 30, senator and presidential candidate Bernie San­ders attempted to clarify in what sense he is a “socialist.”… Continue reading The Plane Truth…

Across the River Styx…

“A fair fight is one that I-win”   😉 Bratco Vitcovic (Robby Daniel), Melbourne Australia… . ‘SHAM-ON AMERICA, SHAM-ON’   😦 Thousands of Refugees Walk from Budapest to Austria Syrians set out on foot to travel the 105 mile route (Again?)  😉 Kurt Nimmo Prison September 4, 2015 Europe’s immigration crisis deepened Friday as thousands of refugees began… Continue reading Across the River Styx…

My 100th post while waiting for the justice that true love would bring, and the sanity that only truth gives a damn about, and nothing-else matters…

. U.S.-Russia War Over Ukraine? Patrick J. Buchanan April 17, 2015 “Could a U.S. response to Russia’s action in Ukraine provoke a confrontation that leads to a U.S.-Russia War?” This jolting question is raised by Graham Allison and Dimitri Simes in the cover article of The National Interest. The answer the authors give, in “Countdown… Continue reading My 100th post while waiting for the justice that true love would bring, and the sanity that only truth gives a damn about, and nothing-else matters…

Serious? Silly? Stupid? ~ You asking about you or me, suck-cocker??

. JPMorgan Chase CEO: Economic Crisis Inevitable “There will be another crisis, and its impact will be felt by the financial markets,” he wrote Kit Daniels Prison April 10, 2015 Another economic crisis like the Great Recession is inevitable, according to JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who heads the bank that recently imposed capital… Continue reading Serious? Silly? Stupid? ~ You asking about you or me, suck-cocker??

Uncle Samuel Warmonger Goldstein

. Crony States of America – Wall Street Firms are Trying to Hide Payoffs Made to Employees Entering Government Michael Krieger Liberty Blitzkrieg February 10, 2015 “There is a lot of work ahead for the management to recover its reputation.” – John Whitehead, Ex-Goldman Sachs Chairman, in a 2010 interview Goldman Sachs may need to work on… Continue reading Uncle Samuel Warmonger Goldstein


. More idiotic ‘Prison Planet‘ comments from the idiot ~ (The one below was placed on an article on Russian nukes) ~ .   Et.Tu.Britass (To) Vengeance • 18 minutes ago  Anybody still got any pictures of the 70 kg 18 klm per sec anti grav kinetic weapons the Yanks perfected in the 80’s? ~ Obviously… Continue reading IS THIS WHORE DIPLOMAT JOKING?