Everybody’s a little crazy Huh?

Most of what came out of Washington since Sept 11 is crazy…

In the real world few inhabit anymore in American politics or political media I’ll bet you $1 Million dollars that a Cessna Pilot with under 100 hours solo has ‘ZERO’ = fcuk diddly = ‘CHANCE’ of being able to take over the controls of a multi-engine passenger jet, that’s the reality ~ It’s also the reality that if a Sept 11 victim wanted to sue the perps of the Sept 11 attack they’d have to sue American Freemasons in an American Court dominated by them at all levels funnily enough, and they’d also have to locate the Masonic Odessa group and sue them in the various countries they infest, including America too, again in courts dominated by Freemason’s, and finally they’d have to sue the ‘BND’ and not the fcuking Saudi’s or the Mossad because they’re the ones who used Masonic connections to do the deed to get Iraq’s and Libya’s gold and the Afghan Lithium as well as prorogue 2\3rds of the US Constitution and take America to the (Masonic) cleaners with it’s Fed deficit asset strip ~ Just as well for Odessa and the ‘BND’ that nobody lives in the real world anymore Huh? 😦

Maybe it’s Apollo rocket science?

On Memorial Day, remember serviceman John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

What arcane Luciferin bewitchment have Freemason’s placed on the American mind that makes the people of America keep on acting like they believe those who’ve so consistently lied to them ever since the Masonic members of the Odessa conspiracy covered up for the World War Two Nazi’s who whacked the 35th president down in the old Masonic tunnels deep under congress, then pulled that Dealy Plaza sham 11 days later featuring the murder of one of Kennedy’s Secret Service identity doubles, a well orchestrated sham that also included the dupe commie sympathizer Lee Harvey Oswald armed with magic bullets and the Grassy Knoll shooter followed up by the allegedly suspicious murders of 70 witnesses who did indeed see what they saw, but what they saw wasn’t what they thought they saw, all done with the help of ‘CIA’ as a kind of rope-a-dope strategy for the average Joe Schmuck? ~ Whatever it really was, whatever kind of Luciferin enchantment Mason’s have placed on the American mind it must have been a beauty, a real doozy, perhaps regularly topped up with energy from fresh ritual murders of innocent kids in Young Republican pedophile dungeon networks the people of the greatest nation in the world stubbornly ignore?

So yeah, Memorial Day, what are you forgetting today America?

The state of constant denial…

Jesus Christ you’re the world’s leading state of constant denial America aren’t you, I’ve just heard your Masonic politicos on ‘CSpam’ (sic) internet radio state that allegations of torture against Gina Haspel, new director of the ‘CIA’ were false, however the only thing false there is you America ~ I’m ready to give evidence in court right now about that lying devious fifth column Fourth Reich Schwammberger bitch videoing my torture in 2004 but you’re not ready to hear anything which contradicts the lies you live by, that make believe fairy tale Islamic Cessna Pilot’s reality where anyone who calls you out on your Govt’s lies is a troublemaker, a Loony, or a terrorist…

The Bavarian deep-state plot…

Gaining power over other’s for power’s sake, then expanding on that power over other’s for the sake of more power over other’s rather than to simply protect the power you already had was a deep need artificially inculcated into the Jewish soul thru the 1000’s of years of needless deprivations their Zionist leader’s always placed on them to keep them basically powerless in relation to their leader’s…

Think about it, power over other’s as a justifiable goal in and of itself, power over other’s simply for the sake of control over other’s, said ever expanding control over other’s always necessary to maintain and expand on whatever power over other’s had already been achieved is the basis of all forms of royalty, and now in these latter days of feudal rule within a somewhat distressing fascist globalist mindset the concept of power over other’s has become like a disease in the soul of the German, the Jew, and the Freemason, but especially the former, the globalist German…

One of the main methods used behind the scenes since the days of Solomon was to use intermarriage between royal houses, in Solomon’s case those of his 1200 children from his 300 wives and 700 concubines, all bred for the sake of maintaining and expanding on power over other’s via a stranglehold on royalty, now in today’s age and for the past 500 odd years it’s a strategy for maintaining and expanding control of other’s, and thus power over other’s, via selective eugenics on funny bastard’s the world over, even tough one’s like Monty Python’s John Cleese and that Mexican\German guy they call Vincente Fox ~ This lead in isn’t a joke and neither is this blog, tho I’m pretty sure there’s liable to be a wry pun or two within it because, well, maybe because my birth mother was killed by a dead Nazi, and she was too, a very dark pun indeed…

‘THAT’ is no joke either, it’s true, and it’s a pun, but it’s no joke, it’s simply true…

Now everything is a lie again…

A few 1000 years ago a young Hebrew was snatched from a garden on the Mount of Olives and then, after an illegal late night trial, bled dry on the cross in that secret ritual kabbalistic blood drinking occultism the High Priest Jews secretly do so well, before being butchered cooked and eaten by the lessor priests of Jerusalem after Pilate released the body to so called good guy Joseph of Arimathea…

Afterwards the political spin meisters working for the leaders of the Jews needed a good cover story for the disappearance of the cadaver of such a good man who’s only crime was for the most part being so stubbornly truthful, see, the judgement of the Roman Court was crucifixion, not crucifixion and then ritual cannibalism, so they came up with that cock and bull story about an angry invisible omnipotent omnipresent Abrahamic cosmic magician bringing the cadaver back to life which explained why the cadaver had gone missing and no Habeas Corpus was possible…

There were indeed several times that righteous Catholic priests within the Luciferin Catholic pedophile hierarchy tried to tell the truth about the Christ’s fate but, they failed to get anywhere, and now funnily enough you’ve got the same congressional Masonic fools who pretend that Cessna Pilot’s can fly commercial jets and two jets can knock down 3 skyscrapers also doing the same type of ritual murder as was done on the Christ’s cadaver on innocent kids at places across America like Bohemian Grove, yet still they’ll pretend that they’re defenders of America’s Christian heritage, defending it from unbelievers like me…

Truth is dead…

Well Gee Mr Peabody, Davos?

I’m only talking here to those one or two out of every 100 people who aren’t completely brainwashed and thus are still aware of the fact that Cessna Pilot’s can’t fly commercial jets and two jets couldn’t knock down one skyscraper let alone three, so for you one or two peep’s, here’s a spin free overview of President Drump’s successful mission to Davos and perhaps his success in reigning in the deficit if you still think that’s what he’s doing, you know, making America great again…

Pathetic monotonous boring…

It’s the “Safety and security of the American people” show folks… Current US president and former reality show TV host Don (The Donald) Trumpf stars in this week’s action packed series of threat matrix illusions including Russia messed with our elections, the Hermit Kingdom’s ‘ICBM’ industry, the China won’t play fair string quartet, the ever faithful Muslim’s… Continue reading Pathetic monotonous boring…

Summer breeze, feel’s fine…

This is a real thinker’s blog this one… Sadly that’ll disqualify a lot of peeps… In the real world the Saudi’s (Jared Kutschmann\half-brother, Salman) just loaned the Trumpf circus $2 Trillion in near worthless petrodollars that they’re getting kind of anxious to start to palm off on the rest of the world, it never rains,… Continue reading Summer breeze, feel’s fine…

Our brave new world was it?

Here’s what you should focus on, apart from the treason amnesty… You’ve been lied to, large… The nitty-gritty of what’s hidden, and why… Some may have forgotten a highly skilled pistoleer x combat marksman of German descent nicknamed “The Bishop“ in ‘CIA’ was spraying bullets around the room in the Hotel Ambassador kitchen the day Bobby Kennedy… Continue reading Our brave new world was it?

Now who you fooling Erica?

Have you honestly forgotten? ############## Did you really honestly forget? ############## Meanwhile, they’re killing me, a bit too slowly to my liking… Some may have forgotten a highly skilled pistoleer x combat marksman of German descent nicknamed “The Bishop“ in ‘CIA’ was spraying bullets around the room in the Hotel Ambassador kitchen the day Bobby Kennedy died,… Continue reading Now who you fooling Erica?

Laissez Faire Luciferianism?

Some may have forgotten a highly skilled pistoleer x combat marksman of German descent nicknamed “The Bishop“ in ‘CIA’ was spraying bullets around the room in the Hotel Ambassador kitchen the day Bobby Kennedy died, yet failed to hit accused Bobby Kennedy shooter Sirhan Sirhan once ~ It’s not particularly an issue for me, I’d had no… Continue reading Laissez Faire Luciferianism?

The dead patriot’s society…

E Pluribus Uranus more like it… Washington tell you I’m mad? ~ I-am, very, I’m also accurate, truthful, and hard hitting like as follows, Mason’s Rumsfeld and Cheney were central to the Sept 11 Coup conspiracy, no one can deny it, I’ve no idea how they hooked Cheney but here’s how they got Rumsfeld ~ In 1962 he and… Continue reading The dead patriot’s society…

Nine million bicycle rider’s…

If you’re Chinese, hit this link and read-it first… For artisans or connoisseur’s of fine writing I’m going to be like Gulag Archipelago Volumes Two and Three for style and poise, in other words, basically crap ~ Solsenitzen’s Gulag Archipelago Volumes Two and Three were indeed crap, total crap, even the guy who wrote Volume… Continue reading Nine million bicycle rider’s…

God’s Bavarian Connection’s…

Either the Juedo-Xtian god, or the Judeo-Xtian devil, or sometimes both with Mason’s playing both, literally Mason’s faking people out with a cabalistic occult based around sexual energies and ritual murder mimicking the presence of a god yet the actions of a devil, at one purpose where both those playing the good guys and those playing the… Continue reading God’s Bavarian Connection’s…


“And on the eight day god created Juerman’s, truth is he was too gutless to put it in the book cause he knew he was pissing on humanity”… Adolf Hitler’s nephew… “You can get a top level lawyer in this town (Melbourne) for $6000 to $7000 dollars a day and some things can take a… Continue reading ON THE EIGHT DAY…

What Juerman’s have done…

Some people aren’t aware that in the 1930’s three different men posed as Adolf Hitler, all thru the war years him and his doppelganger Schreck traded places and, as far as I’m personally aware until the latter 1970’s while still in hiding in East Berlin with the cooperation of the treasonous Russian born German’s who… Continue reading What Juerman’s have done…

Great Auditor in the Sky…

Young Republican politician’s lawyer’s and accountant’s noticed a crime had been committed, so, armed with Cessna Pilot’s and looted Iraqi gold along with shares in stolen Afghan Lithium held in Swiss Bank Accounts they hid everything inside the 43rd president’s library so they can hand it over to the Great Auditor in the Sky when he returns, returns with power and great glory… Continue reading Great Auditor in the Sky…

Great Architects of 911 truth?

The Freemason’s… “Means motive and opportunity” for the ‘911’ attacks… Plus means motive and opportunity to get away with it… This took the full resources of World Masonic Zionism… Well before then ‘BND-Scherff-41’ set up defences… A “Controlled opposition“ some may refer to it as… Many Freemason’s highlighted the shill lying… But Young Republican’s shut them down…… Continue reading Great Architects of 911 truth?


Do you think that ‘GOD‘ (sic) was just testing America on Sept 2001? If he was he was pretty clumsy, he’s killed 1 1\2 million Muslim’s doing it… Or perhaps, like with Washington, not everything’s what it seems to be… Is it really possible the greater number of Americans are as dumb as bloggers like Mark Dice… Continue reading THIS A NEW SATANIST’S BIBLE?

Guess Who, American woman…

What good are all you tough guys and your guns when half of you have been murdered by the fascist state you support during the week after their next major false flag attack and 1\3rd of the world is dead due to ‘YOUR’ callous self centered egotistical stupidity, seriously America, seriously ~ Whatever the world… Continue reading Guess Who, American woman…

Gotta keep a sense of humor…

Within the first week after the German-born piece of shit that America calls it’s 41st president shot young South Australian Catholic schoolgirl girl Monika Cross dead in front of me in 1964 to terrorize me as well as compromise Don Rumsfeld who’d been screwing her in all orifices (On film) I’ve lived with illegal intrusive mostly… Continue reading Gotta keep a sense of humor…

That was German Jew love was it?

After my caesarian birth the German Jew Nazi pig’s who delivered me tortured me, a relatively innocent, in this life anyway, newborn baby, said torture continuing every day for a few weeks until I’d been swapped in the hospital with my step mother’s newborn baby boy ~ That same torture continued right on thru my childhood along with… Continue reading That was German Jew love was it?

Your Quantitative Easing Genie…

Like the pun above, you may need to think about these posts below… If that doesn’t work for you, just keep-on rubbing the Genie’s lamp…   But just in case you think the whole blog is just a sick joke… No, seriously, very seriously, think about it, please, think about it… The same Masonic Lodge pulling… Continue reading Your Quantitative Easing Genie…

So Granny lost her anal virginity?

PS: That removed post above was removed by a moderator even tho it’s only a very expensive US taxpayer funded political Psy Op head-fcuk fake news website anyway, but just for any remaining sane truthful honest people still reading these blog’s, don’t forget that was a Secret Service identity double in the Limo in Dealy… Continue reading So Granny lost her anal virginity?

Her realities are fcuking tragic…

Dude working for ‘CIA’ told me of both those events before they happened, literally the German-born twin brother of your 41st president America ~ Maybe you should just think about that for a bit, his German-born twin brother told me about both of those events prior to the day they happened, he even told me… Continue reading Her realities are fcuking tragic…