Don’t mention the Afghan opium?

So did anyone notice there’s no mention of an Afghan opium industry whenever Washington starts talking about America’s big self inflicted Odessa controlled opioid epidemic even tho going by statistics from 4 years ago there were 224,000 hectares of opium poppies grown in American occupied Afghanistan? ~ There a reason for that, there’s a reason Washington and it’s corrupt media never mentions the Afghan opium industry being the real source of the opiate which Vincente (Kaiser Wilhelm) Fox’s big cartel refines into heroin, never talking about how the hell all of those tons and tons of raw opium is flown from Afghanistan to Mexico to be processed there before flying it stateside over the border in million dollar jets at 30,000 ft to America to be dropped in National Park runways for transshipment across America, instead only ever talking vaguely about the so called Chinese Fentanyl epidemic as if the heroin epidemic your district of criminals oversees is so minimal as to be insignificant, yet you could hardly call 224,000 hectares of opium production 4 years ago minimal so what’s up?

A little bit of preaching to the choir is needed here…

Why is Washington always in the habit of deliberately avoiding the true source of the opiate crisis, that’s a question you need an answer for pretty fcuking quick because of the stranglehold the offspring of Odessa have on your political system post the Sept 11 Patriot Act, and it better be the right fcuking answer too, most likely said right answer is the black op political control an illegal drug industry\network creates within the US political system just as it used to do back in the Golden Triangle days ~ It’s extremely useful to those still practicing a sly treason on America and the world at large in the run up to their next false-flag black-op lead in to World War Three, and while you’re keeping an eye on the corruption all of that creates there’s also that coming from the trillions of dollars in stolen Afghan Lithium ore being trucked down into German (Prussian actually) owned or controlled international corporations in China…

100 million heavily armed idiots…

America, like Stalinist Russia, is an Orwellian surveillance state…

It’s one that is totally out of control and it’s a sad fact that it’s because it’s Govt is scared of it’s citizens after it’d murdered 1000’s of them on Sept 11 and since then murdered 1000’s more of them under the not so secret real world provisions of the ‘NDAA’ that were illegally and conspiratorially tacked onto it’s Patriot Act by those who actually attacked America for real on Sept 11 are what scares them…

The Masonic deep state sanctioned deaths under America’s real world secret state murder program are never going to be reported by the media because by law they’re not allowed to, as for the 100 million heavily armed idiots that Washington is scared of it’s a fact that most of them wouldn’t have the ‘IQ’ of tooth plaque yet get pretty riled, violent even, if they think they’re being lied to or picked on, or both…

And the Masonic Berger’s of Washington have been doing lots of both to them ever since they said Cessna Pilot’s knocked down 3 skyscrapers with only two jets so it looks to me like the low intelligence of the average heavily armed American idiot is the only thing that stops these low brow fools from grabbing their pitchforks and their guns and taking their corrupt govt by their mangy necks, giving them a quick but fair trial and a quick fair firing squad followed by a slow but fair hanging until they rot and just drop off the fcuking ropes, then finally give them a nice (Fair) old piece of dry dusty national park land to rot on while birds pick their flesh…

Everybody’s a little crazy Huh?

Most of what came out of Washington since Sept 11 is crazy…

In the real world few inhabit anymore in American politics or political media I’ll bet you $1 Million dollars that a Cessna Pilot with under 100 hours solo has ‘ZERO’ = fcuk diddly = ‘CHANCE’ of being able to take over the controls of a multi-engine passenger jet, that’s the reality ~ It’s also the reality that if a Sept 11 victim wanted to sue the perps of the Sept 11 attack they’d have to sue American Freemasons in an American Court dominated by them at all levels funnily enough, and they’d also have to locate the Masonic Odessa group and sue them in the various countries they infest, including America too, again in courts dominated by Freemason’s, and finally they’d have to sue the ‘BND’ and not the fcuking Saudi’s or the Mossad because they’re the ones who used Masonic connections to do the deed to get Iraq’s and Libya’s gold and the Afghan Lithium as well as prorogue 2\3rds of the US Constitution and take America to the (Masonic) cleaners with it’s Fed deficit asset strip ~ Just as well for Odessa and the ‘BND’ that nobody lives in the real world anymore Huh? 😦

The day of decision approaches…

Be good if Gary ‘COHN’ turned state’s evidence too, the president’s friend\lawyer who’s biological father was an ‘SS’ camp guard in World War Two, however, without the pedophile dungeon network grand jury and suspicious deaths in ‘VA’ hospitals grand jury and a full 100% treason amnesty in place for any turning state’s evidence, not only will a highly skilled Masonic dog and pony show carry on blowing you off, the Masonic bullshit which masks Masonic corruption would actually increase rather than decrease because people wouldn’t have the requisite truths (Needed)…

to keep them all on the same page…

The ethics of ‘CIA’ baby-torture…

How can you allow corrupt Masonic-controlled media to mislead you, baby…

Better get it into your heads that the Sept 11 attacks took the coordinated effort of around 2000 Freemason’s to pull off, as did the Kennedy murder’s and the cover up’s after, including approximately 70 Dealy Plaza witnesses murdered by the Masonic deep state state to pull off the fake Kennedy assassination cover up…

That’s the one which they created down there to distract from the real presidential murder in Washington around 11 days prior to Nov 22 1963 in a deep state plot to derail the very republic they occasionally claim to have created ~ America is ruled by Mason’s, has been since the founders, if you think this treasonous cabal is anything more than a world wide criminal enterprise you’re probably much more of a useful idiot to them than you can ever understand until you wise up…

My own experience of them was Luciferin Satanic and heavily perverted, I’d seen German descent Freemason’s in Central Intelligence murder 20 innocent children by 1970 and it didn’t stop there either, 14 of those murders were ritual torture murders on children, 9 of them mere babes in arms while a 15th who was shot in the back of the head shortly after her torture, one of the three Beaumont kids, was the worst screams I’ve ever heard in my entire lifetime, my own included ~ So now I’ve given you that short preamble to provide context here’s a perspective I’m willing to swear on oath, along with everything else I’ve written in my four current blogs…

Gina Haspel filmed my most recent severe torture, with a smile, in 2004…

The state of constant denial…

Jesus Christ you’re the world’s leading state of constant denial America aren’t you, I’ve just heard your Masonic politicos on ‘CSpam’ (sic) internet radio state that allegations of torture against Gina Haspel, new director of the ‘CIA’ were false, however the only thing false there is you America ~ I’m ready to give evidence in court right now about that lying devious fifth column Fourth Reich Schwammberger bitch videoing my torture in 2004 but you’re not ready to hear anything which contradicts the lies you live by, that make believe fairy tale Islamic Cessna Pilot’s reality where anyone who calls you out on your Govt’s lies is a troublemaker, a Loony, or a terrorist…

Answer’s no Caesar, simply, no…

In the 60’s I’d concluded all the Nazi’s I’d met were fags… I’d also concluded all of the ‘CIA’ I’d met were fcuking insane… Over 50 years later and nothing has changed for the better… But now I’m more at-ease with myself, where’s my lawyer? What exactly are American Mason’s accusing me of? ############## All… Continue reading Answer’s no Caesar, simply, no…

An intellectual dwarf believes?

America seems blissfully unaware of the long term takeover of it’s media by bitter mostly illegitimately conceived part German ex rent boys and rent girls, all sourced from the Young Republican pedo networks that serviced America’s corrupt congress and City Hall’s and Governor’s Mansions from as far back as the very early 1980’s after ‘BND-Scherff-41’ first expanded their previous system using junk bond monies generated by the 1973 US Fed Chinese (Nazi) gold loan ~ Is it ignorance or lack of knowledge in play here because America seems blissfully unaware that they’re all part of a long term espionage act by World War Two Nazi’s flush with Europe’s looted gold who’d gaily inseminated, sometimes by force, many common prostitutes to carry their seed after the war, then literally ritually sacrificed many of the mother’s after a forced Caesarean birth like with my own birth mother, and then swapped the child with someone else’s baby as they’d done with myself, my step mother bitter angry and unforgiving although only occasionally taking it out on me…

Sounds bizarre maybe, but it’s true, the same plan was put in play among military political business legal and even religious circles, it’s literally the greatest act of Luciferin treason and heartless betrayal in history, bringing America ever forward to the day when half of it lies in ruins and the other half is reduced to serfdom…

America’s shame continues…

Instead of legal representation to defend my rights while giving evidence to the Church Committee I’d simply been raped tortured terrorised drugged brainwashed and threatened with harm to loved ones, this was obviously in the 1970’s yet still no lawyer even for that? ~ You’re a sham America, you’re a total sham, the greatest nation of denial the world has ever seen, without immediate grand juries as requested by an undercover ‘FBI’ guy on ‘NPR’ All Things Considered or a similar show back in 2010 where the agent was crying on public radio about the number of children he’d had to sexually penetrate to gain the trust of the group’s leaders the kids trapped in America’s Young Republican controlled underground pedo dungeon networks will never see freedom until the day they’re sarcificed to whatever it is the German descent pig’s really worship at Bohemian Grove and a myriad of other places that sprung up under the overall control of ‘BND-Scherff-41’…

Trashy tragic Teutonic denial…

Admit you had a fascist takeover with illegitimate German’s under the control of Bavarian Illuminati using the Masonic Lodge as their stalking horse before WW3 or admit it after, but admit it you will, without that 100% treason amnesty you can’t do squat about it, loser’s, think of your children…

Happy days are here again…

Congratulations America, by 2013 you’re going to be debt free, least according to the guy who spent your Social Security fund ~ Funnily enough he was almost right in that you’re on the cusp of being so damn broke you can’t even service the interest on the principal of the debt so, in effect, you’re… Continue reading Happy days are here again…

Their reality versus their spin…

This is about truth and justice, not just spin… The justice perspective relates to the way Odessa-connected fascists, literally John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s killers by the way, have misused the American state to justify their evil or get away with screwing me over since the very day I’d been born, that’s literally as in literal tho… Continue reading Their reality versus their spin…

Our brave new world was it?

Here’s what you should focus on, apart from the treason amnesty… You’ve been lied to, large… The nitty-gritty of what’s hidden, and why… Some may have forgotten a highly skilled pistoleer x combat marksman of German descent nicknamed “The Bishop“ in ‘CIA’ was spraying bullets around the room in the Hotel Ambassador kitchen the day Bobby Kennedy… Continue reading Our brave new world was it?

Now who you fooling Erica?

Have you honestly forgotten? ############## Did you really honestly forget? ############## Meanwhile, they’re killing me, a bit too slowly to my liking… Some may have forgotten a highly skilled pistoleer x combat marksman of German descent nicknamed “The Bishop“ in ‘CIA’ was spraying bullets around the room in the Hotel Ambassador kitchen the day Bobby Kennedy died,… Continue reading Now who you fooling Erica?

Identity-swap madness…

It was all treason most foul, Bavarian Illuminati Masonic treason… You’re in denial America, you’re in denial 24\7 now you servile fools… It’s an American-born man below with his 2 German-born 1\2 brothers… He’s Prescott’s American son, the other’s, Prescott’s German-born twins… All are Prescott’s son’s, yet, one of them was an illegal president… First, a bit… Continue reading Identity-swap madness…

Call it Nutbush City Limits…

America’s illegal German born 41st president became Titular Head of the Bavarian Illuminati Freemason’s in 1993, holding the position for 12 years thru to 2005 before McCain took over ~ That means a German born spy was running things on Sept 11 2001 via control of both Masonry as well as the Young Republicans he built up using Nazi gold US Fed junk bond money from the late 1970’s ~ With it’s Young Republican pedo-dungeon network still secure behind congressional and White House protection it’s not too sarcastic to say Washington became the new Nutbush City Limits…

Was and still is the reality…

Okaaay, this one is a long read, a very long read… Not as long as the ‘NIST’ report is tho, and guess what? You don’t have to brush your teeth after reading it… That’s the funny bits over with, the rest is very (Very) serious stuff… So much so your Govt keeps spamming them for the… Continue reading Was and still is the reality…

Some heavy shit went down…

Then, the world went even crazier… The Freemason’s had “Means motive and opportunity” for the ‘911’ attacks… Matter of fact they were the only group that had all three… Plus means motive and opportunity to get away with it… This took the full resources of World Masonic Zionism… Well before then ‘BND-Scherff-41’ set up defences… A… Continue reading Some heavy shit went down…

Why is the machine lying?

Time to start telling the truth about everything… If you don’t those who did ‘911’ have an easy run… They’ll walk you straight into World War Three… They’ll use your hypocrisy to beguile you…  ################# “Young Republican’s”… Who are they, really? Guess who was Titular Head of Bavarian Illuminati on Sept 11 2001… That means… Continue reading Why is the machine lying?

Great Architects of 911 truth?

The Freemason’s… “Means motive and opportunity” for the ‘911’ attacks… Plus means motive and opportunity to get away with it… This took the full resources of World Masonic Zionism… Well before then ‘BND-Scherff-41’ set up defences… A “Controlled opposition“ some may refer to it as… Many Freemason’s highlighted the shill lying… But Young Republican’s shut them down…… Continue reading Great Architects of 911 truth?

Go Orwellian again Batman?

Ever think Batman is trying to tell us something? Think that maybe all is not well over at Wayne Manor? Hmm, wonder how things are in the White House? While speaking to America’s illegal German-born president “BND-Scherff-41” (sic) in the early 1970’s prior to him heading off to China for a three month stint where he helped the German… Continue reading Go Orwellian again Batman?

May as well mock the ‘NPP’…

################# Guess who was Titular Head of Bavarian Illuminati on Sept 11 2001… That means he was 100% in control of the Freemason’s who pulled it all… And I’m not making trouble, make resources for real justice happen… Or make tools for euthanasia appear in a plausibly deniable way… Then either way I’m just walking away… Continue reading May as well mock the ‘NPP’…

Ultimate retards Part Two…

Before you go on to read this updated blog, I’m in desperate need of a kind circle of kind hearted genuine fools, or genuinely caring realists, to ante-up for 2 years of private health care, between $3200 for the good one or $6000 for the top shelf platinum private care so these tumours of mine… Continue reading Ultimate retards Part Two…