Use idiot’s to entrap morons Huh?

Well it obviously worked, the moron’s are trapped aren’t they, any story\denial Washington comes up with, moron’s swallow, sorry did I-say moron’s, meant to say children, little children, listen to the little children you moron’s, you’ll listen here or listen in Hades, to me Hades will be Round Two, still think it’s a joke Freemason?

For the record, this post clearly implies Prince Phillip was Slick Willy’s (Illegitimate) sire, Ditto Pat Robertson was Dubya Bush’s sire, Malcolm X was Obama’s sire, and it sure looks like Don Rumsfeld’s Battenberg\Mountbatten cousin Tillerson is the father of the fake Trump, and also implies three different men who were son’s of Prescott had at one time or another used the name of George Herbert Walker Bush, while a fourth (Illegitimate) son of Prescott called Charlton Heston was at Kennebunkport pretending to be an aging 41, so all up what up America, what up? (Moron’s)…

They treat you like moron’s but you’re not, except for the Cessna-Pilot thing 😉

Poppy Bush’s Flying-clown Circus?

Notice the magical ‘DAAPA’ clown in the picture people?

That’s a necessary piece of gear in the kit bag of every truly successful Islamic hijacker simply because while normal American F18 fighter pilot’s need around 40 hours in the Co-Pilot’s seat before attempting to take the controls of a 757 it seems that if you’re a real world bonafide radical Islamic extremist in Poppy Bush’s Flying Circus all you need to fly one of these 757’s is to spend some quality time flying a Cessna…

As you acquaint yourself with how to use the magical clown…

America’s Gulag Archipelago’s?

I’ve not got the resources to do a proper journalistic-style article on all of those abductions of Americans for underground bunker building labor from the depression years on, those of military for use as slave labor overseers in World War Two and in the Korean and Vietnam wars as well as a few million South East Asians as more labor to build bunkers, plus those missing Iranian boy soldiers, I’ve just not got the resource to do the subject justice but it’s no big secret, the Prussian ruling class have a very evil agenda in mind, they’re not just preparing bunkers for the sake of humanity surviving Pole Shift and retaining some form of technological prowess after, there’s a much darker plan involving the termination of this species and it’s replacement with another species bred by the Prussian Nazi’s in Mengele’s lab’s, beware…

Holy Hebrew hypocrisy again?

You’re an amazing place America, on the side of the angels was it?

Are you on the side of the angels when they told the Hebrew pimp\patriarch Abram to sacrifice what was supposedly his wife’s child Isaac to “The Lord“ whoever that is\was, for those still capable of rational logical thought outside of the artificial confines of a belief that what you were told to believe must be true simply because you were told to believe it was true, thus for those who can question their official religious narratives with some form of intelligence beyond believing it’s true just because it’s an accepted part of holy writ, that’s if the child really was the offspring of an old woman who had long since ceased to have her periods which in the real world serve to ready the womb for the blastocyst to implant itself and not just the child of one of the slave girls they’d appropriated as their own, or are you on the side of the angels when they told their Hebrew pimp\patriarch to spare the boy such a cruel brutal and inhuman death?

The Nov 6th Dave Trump circus…

Here’s Dave below bitchin’ about Russia and China, and then ‘NUTTIN–MUCH‘ (sic) about Batman and Gotham City along with a logical suggestion to help delay a war, and just above don’t those two inbred’s look a little bit like each other Huh?

The Batman x Gotham City bit is a vid on the post, watch it, it’s interesting 😉

My Ohio-born election issues…

As a little boy I’d witnessed 20 child murders by ‘CIA’ and their operatives which means paid off books employees, 14 of those were outright ritual murders where the kids were slowly cut with knives until they went into shock and died, nine of those were mere babes in arms, all 14 were Aboriginal (Black) which I’d plainly saw as they were all killed in front of me no more than 8 to 10 feet away ~ I’d been told they were all girls yet there’s no way for me to bear witness to that as a proven fact, merely tell a lawfully constituted grand jury who told me that, in the simple way I’m keeping track of the acts of terror the US Govt committed in front of me the 15th tortured child who screamed the loudest of any was the eldest Beaumont girl Jane who numerically in the sense of linear time was the 10th child murdered in front of me by America…

Criminal-cowboys scare you puss?

A bit of lighthearted jocularity on serious stuff?

I’ll not bother to list the insanity’s of the Washington spin-machine over the last two years one by one here because it’d kind of make this post depressing if not downright confusing to people uneducated in the manic deceptions of those with something to hide over the slow dance-of-conspiratorial-death takeover of America by the Sept 11 plotters in the Knight of Malta Masonic Lodges, I’ll not bother to list the insanity’s of their deceptions other than to point out 2 curious facts ~ Fact one, the so called 45th president is definitely ‘NOT’ the original Donald J. as in the same deal the same circle of devious Prussian descent Knight of Malta controlled deviates who gave America the runaround with the Kennedy deception have for whatever reason done it again, but that’s only for those who know about that stuff they pulled back then…

True is true, false is false…

Some people are easily offended when it comes to religion or politics however if you’re genuinely offended then I’d think that whether you find my sense of humour amusing or not has about as much real relevance to the current realities of American politics which I’ve often been found dryly highlighting as does whether an American proctologist driving a Porsche or a fcuking Mercedes Benz or a Chev Corvette affects the $23 trillion (Per year) US Federal Deficit interest debt by any noticable margin, and in case you never knew that’s the amount Washington’s den of Knight of Malta thieves borrows each year on your behalf merely to pay interest on the real debt they’ve run up on your behalf ever since they illegally borrowed the gold they financed the Nazi’s to loot for them with your money back in 1933…

If they say otherwise, think Cessna Pilot’s…

My statement of genuine intent…

Here’s a bit of plain simple honesty in a very weird dishonest world…

I’ve no desire or need to seek political power, mostly because you can’t take it with you into the hereafter, all you can do is take whatever spiritual qualities and in my case whatever occultist abilities you have with you ~ I’ve also no need or desire to either get along with those who murdered my birth mother and twin sister by submitting to their schadenfreude sickness or taking it on as my own…

I’ve got absolutely zero intent and minimal desire to oppose their plans, I’d tacked most of my payback options as a young yet gifted occultist onto the backs of those very same plans they so secretly and clumsily pursue ~ I’ve also no need or desire to support them either, it’s been 56 years since I’d really given a rat’s ass either way after some dumb Russian born Prussian pig tortured me and then mocked me over my birth mother’s horrible torture murder, he also mocked me over the torture murder of my twin however the creep was lying, it’s 98% certain she died from a single kick by a Nazi jackboot within minutes of our birth by Caesarean without anaesthetic…

As you can see it’s a somewhat convoluted and chaotic environment I’d been born into which wasn’t of my own making, in the process of forming a response with my devious little heart and my quick learning political and occultist intellect I’d genuinely taken on the idea of healing the sickness of soul they (Prussian Nazi Freemason’s) have back in 1964 because I’d not wanted to become intellectually or spiritually corrupted by evil as I’d gone about being as bad as I’d needed to be to get even with them…

The old neo-Knights of Walter?

Here’s a short extremely accurate overview of world history stretching from the Knight of Malta Freemason’s running both sides of the American Civil War using the Order of the Golden Circle as their mask along with the theft of the equivalent of trillions of dollars in cash bearer bond tax money which was used to finance a German robber baron (Masonic) rape of US natural resources, then the Chinese Boxer rebellion which again the Knight’s of Malta controlled, their agents among the Chinese secret societies deliberately goading the Kung Fu boxers to walk into the machine guns and rifles using their fists feet and (sic) wits as their weapons, Knight of Malta Freemason’s running both sides of World War One too after arranging the theft of Russian gold which funded the creation of Russian Communism using Russia’s own gold (Ouch)…

It also created their US Fed before using money the Fed looted from Wall St at the same time as the Rape of Nanking was going down to finance their Battenberg\Astor man Adolf Hitler, again with Knight of Malta agents running Japanese and Chinese as well, then using Hitler and other European Battenberg’s to start World War 2 to loot Europe’s gold with Battenberg Roosevelt’s help before arranging for the creation of Chinese Communism out of looted Chinese gold by a Battenberg Meyer of the Tong, still running both sides of everything all of the way thru the Cold War and Korea and Vietnam where they again stole Chinese gold from the Chinese in Vietnam all the way down to both sides of Gulf War One meaning both Iraq ‘AND’ the United States then onto Sept 11 with the same circle controlling the mostly innocent Muslim…

All done by a Prussian-family called Battenberg\Mountbatten…

That indirectly got rid of D. Rumsfeld’s missing trillions in the so called Pentagon audit office commercial jet attack and the records of Trump’s money laundering for the Knight of Malta Carlisle Group which were being held in Building 7 which didn’t get hit by a commercial jet before removing 2\3rds of the US Constitution to make America easier for Knight of Malta Freemason’s to govern after their treason before masking the theft of billions in Afghan and Libyan gold along with trillions in Afghan Lithium as well as making billions on the sly in Afghan opium shipped to Mexico’s Knight of Malta agent Kaiser Fox (sic) to be refined into heroin and shipped stateside under the overall aegis of two Knights of Malta by the name of Chuck Grassley and Orin Hatch, the one thing all of those situations having in common is Knight of Malta Freemason’s of Prussian descent being in control of both sides of everything…

Fool all the people all the time?

Knew Chrissie Hynde as an adolescent, knew her and her brother Barry were both “Schwammberger” then too but would always stay subtle and sly on all things tactical or strategic which she most certainly was thru being the daughter of one of the Odessa who murdered my birth mother ~ Most guys in that situation might’ve hated her for who her biological father was but not me, my step father had given me stern instructions around not hating or punishing children for their parent’s…

A looming anti-clerical abyss…

Is a looming anti-intellectual (Anti-clerical) abyss ahead…

There’s been a slow-motion beat down of intellectual clarity in America ever since that Secret Service lookalike for Kennedy got whacked in Dealy Plaza and the official story claimed some pro-communist guy in the Book Depositor did it with a bolt action rifle with no telescopic sights, and not some future September 11th ex Army Ranger Defense Secretary with a high powered rifle sitting on the Grassy Knoll…

The bridge to fading promises…

The core subject is a society deliberately buried in hypocrisy…

Obviously a bit of a dark beginning to this blog here so read on if you’ve got the inclination to, I’m going to try to tell you a very dark secret about the real deep state rather than the Democrat versus Republican thing your taxes are used to throw at you 24\7 as the real rulers of this world desperately try to stop the mob from picking up pitchforks and AK47’s for the purpose of tarring and feathering what little pieces of these Luciferin cocksuckers remained after people finally woke up to what they do and what they’ve been doing and what they intend on doing ~ What rules this world anywhere gold was any kind of an exchange mechanism from long before the Christ’s time is a psychotic Luciferin dimension of a world that literally eats it’s young…

That’s the dictionary meaning of the word literal, it openly existed in the time of England’s 18th century Germanic “Hellfire Club” and more recently a few decades back gained notoriety at America’s Young Republican Bohemian Grove, and yes, the name Bohemian Grove rightly implies it’s something to do with German’s…

German’s ran America via it’s Masonic Lodge’s since 1776…

Senseless acts of vile stupidity…

I’d seen a few senseless acts of vile stupidity in my time…

In 1970 by the still tender age of 13 years old I’d already witnessed at least 20 and perhaps 21 murders of innocents, 20 of those by high profile US Govt employees who often sprouted the god and country mantra ~ It’s a fact I’d witnessed future political leaders of America, one of whom became America’s illegal 41st president and was in charge of the treason on Sept 11 as Titular Head of the Bavarian Illuminati Mason’s literally torture two Aboriginal girls to death in the Australian city I’d grown up in, he kept the last girl screaming for around 25 minutes until she finally expired, it was my habit to count the seconds and minutes of my own and other’s torture as a somewhat temporary coping mechanism to keep my my mind from being overwhelmed by the evil I’d witnessed these mostly Germanic descent Freemason’s do…

When truth broke out all over…

Are you in a permanent state of worry or just don’t care anymore?
If either one of those describes your mindset then try to read this post…
The big deep-state wants it that way to stop you asking any questions…
See they’ve been bullshitting to us all for 4000+ years already…

Their sad culture of hypocrites…

Lets talk about hypocrites, the dictionary definition of hypocrites as in a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles etc that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs like maybe a patriot actor on the 4th of July or else some type of Faux religious person who talks smack about god yet conspiratorially helps prevent a pedo dungeon grand jury…

Line by line, precept by precept…

The Hebrew Christ was said to be somewhat of a rebel…
It’s plausible Moses himself swung that way a little bit too…
And prophet Elijah as well, none of them had Habeas Corpus…
My hack-translation says it means to ‘Produce-the-body’…
You could (Should) think about that for yourselves…

Get in on the ground floor?

What if something attractive is just too good to be true?
Well usually tho not always it proves not to be fully true…
How much it costs in the long run isn’t always apparent…

Interesting thing about all of the Hub-Hub about things like © Bitcoin and the other similar players on the same stage of a cashless system of financial exchange is what role Govt eventually plays, really plays in the real world that is, not just pretends to play according to the letter of the law as they’ve often been known to do…

Just for the record stupid, just for the average American stupid that is, look for who controls the Afghan Lithium contracts and who controls the Afghan opium\Mexican heroin pipeline into the states and you’ve found who’s really running things at the moment, look for who stole Iraq’s gold under the US Occupation in 2004 and then looted Libya’s gold prior to faking Gaddafi’s murder and you’ve found who really masterminded the things which occurred on Sept 11 and shortly after when the Patriot Act was rammed through congress, the one thing they  all had in common apart from sometimes illegitimate German descent was the fact they were ‘ALL’ in the Masonic Lodge, the one which has had a ‘GERMAN’ descent British monarch as it’s Titular Head since long before Queen Victoria’s days, it’s a kind of shadow play and masking gambit where the ruling German will blame the English any time their old Jewish conspiracy blame-game\excuse becomes a little too lame to run far…

Too many words Huh? ~ Find out who got Iraq’s and Libya’s gold…
As soon as you’ve done that you’ve found the Sept 11 conspirators…
Find who got the Afghan Lithium shares, you found their bosses…
And suckers, they’ll kill you all eventually either way, wake-up…

But the important thing is…

What if you had X-Ray vision like Superman does, then what-up…
What if you could see straight thru any lie that an adult told you…
Here’s what you’d see if they lied about Kent State Ohio deaths…

The simple truth behind the Kent State Ohio shootings was, according to those who knew such things at the time, those in the loop inside of Central Intelligence if you will, was that ex Army Ranger sniper and Vietnam War frag expert Donald Rumsfeld was the Kent State Ohio sniper that day, no guardsmen shot anybody, matter of fact I’ve a vague recall of National Guardsmen claiming they fired all shots above the heads of the kids, in addition to that you should know that Rumsfeld was also literally the Grassy Knoll shooter who took out your 35th president’s Secret Service identity double from the Grassy Knoll in Dealy Plaza, it was all Odessa espionage…

According to those same leaker’s who knew the inside story only one girl was really shot that day, the other three were fake live shooter shock and awe targets set up to create the big media blitz that the good old boy Mason’s could use to blow you all off with dead-end leads based on (Mostly) fake stories, it was all state treason…

The simple fact was Bavarian Illuminati Odessa controlled Mason’s in Washington were trying to scare university and college kids to stop them talking about South East Asian bunker building slave labor abductions and US Special Forces abductions of US Military as overseers for the slave labor used to build your Dulce Oklahoma Tri State deep underground military bunker system, or “Meat Locker“ as the informed more rightly call it ~ Odessa played Americans as cocksuckers or “Schwanzlutscher” since the end of the 2nd world war, prior to that German controlled Freemason’s treated you as such since the Civil War, and know what, most of you are too…

It’s your right to refuse to wake-up in time, true…

Get with the program yet?

This isn’t a joke, it’s serious, yet laterally lighthearted…

To that end, the lighthearted part, the thought just occurred to me while listening to Trey Gowdy and John Bolton on the “CSpam” internet radio that if it’s like the Christ said when he said to someone “Truly I-say unto you, the very hairs of your head are all numbered” and presumably it’s the angels that do the numbering, you know, one two three etc, even tho the almighty is omnipotent and omnipresent and omniscient he still can’t be everywhere doing everything all at the same time can he, Um, probably not, well then, I’ve got rather a mean question not specifically inspired by Gowdy or Bolton yet the thought did indeed re-enter my mind while listening to them so here’s the question, does the great mathematician in the sky order the devils to count all of the anal hairs of the assholes in Congress? ~ And yes, I’m not totally serious there and that ‘IS’ a pretty disrespectful irreligious thought, US political’s do tend to bring out the lowest common denominator I’ve got most days, I’m chill still but all of those poor devils, sitting around counting the anal hairs of the assholes in congress…

Anyone that won’t give kids pedo dungeon grand juries is an asshole…

Pedo-dungeon grand jury?

Political manipulators tell you it’s all about your feelings?

Well it’s not, it’s about what’s right and wrong, what’s weak or strong, what’s true or false, what’s justifiable (Which pedophilia isn’t) and what’s not justifiable, and as far as this man is concerned what’s not justifiable is being weak enough to be hypocritical enough (sic) to leave it all to those who run the bloody Young Republican pedophile dungeon networks to decide whether America needs a pedophile dungeon grand jury to get at the real facts behind what German born ‘BND’ agent “Scherff-41” created in the American body politic ~ No, rip that rotten cancer out of the Washington some of you simply call a swamp but instead should call a sewer, only once you have the whole of the hidden story behind the systematic ritual rape of children and even the ritual murder of children in that 50 state wide Young Republican run Washington sewer can you begin to have respect for yourselves as a nation of decent people…

Thus far, you’re only a mob of diseased rats in my opinion…

Allow me to restate something here in plain language, I’d witnessed 23 murders by the age of 13 years and all of them were performed live in front of me in real time by employees of the country I’d been born in, America ~ Of those 23 murders 20 were mere children, 14 girls were tortured to death outright not more than 10 feet away from me by being slowly cut with knives, 9 of those torture murders were babies, a 15th girl, the eldest Beaumont girl was horribly tortured by being spike fcuked with a razor tipped strap on and then shot, of the other 5 including the Beaumont girl’s little brother and sister 3 were shot and two were eviscerated in front of me…

Then one was decapitated, those last two were in 1963…
You had the same crimes by the same people stateside…

Sir Roger Stone Mountbatten?

You can’t fake the genes, people do tend to look like their parents…
People don’t always look like the two people on their birth certificate…
The birth certificates are just pieces of paper people type on and sign…
Seriously, that birth certificate don’t mean jack-shit x diddly-squat…
There’s the context for the featured graphic, it’s all a conspiracy…

Now a quick overview of the idiocies of historical fact and fate…
A deceived civilization sprang from one generation 4000 yrs ago…
This post has a very lateral approach, read it thoroughly, think…

Started with an attempted Abrahamic human sacrifice being ‘OK’ cause some invisible guy in the sky said so, then Egypt’s gold and jewels went missing and their firstborn lay dead but that was ‘OK’ cause invisible guy told them to swipe the silverware so to speak while he himself killed the firstborn, supposedly, least that’s what’s in the book, then comes a missing Messianic cadaver followed by the divine right of kings for 1 1\2 millennia, then a Spanish Inquisition, a reformation, numerous European wars which the divinely chosen kings fight by sending peasants to die, then comes an industrial age where robber barons with the divine right of kings most likely do their thing, two world wars where everyone’s gold went missing again, a Cold War where everyone had to contribute to the arms manufacturers of the various sides who were all the same circle of owners so they could protect us from the other guys who were being run by the machine put in place by the divine right of kings ~ So, after all that one could rightly assume that by more divine right or at least assent, both Kennedy’s are killed with magic bullets followed by more than a few (Fake) Apollo landings and then the looted ‘WW2’ Euro gold pops up in 1973 to fund the divine right of robber barons to pull a Reaganomics junk bond stunt which, so the myth goes, saved America by using Wall St to asset strip it’s industry, then using Star wars tech to protect the US from Russians who must have also been ruled by divine right or at least divine assent themselves because they really are all from the same families, then came the hard to believe (sic) Sept 11 attacks supposedly because an Abrahamic Allah couldn’t keep his Jihad Mahdi’s from jumping out of single engine Cessna’s straight into multi engine commercial jets without even so much as an hour in a simulator, then 2 jets knocked down 3 skyscrapers and we all wait for Abrahamic invisible guy in the sky to bring us to Armageddon, think that pretty much covers everything, if I’ve left anything out please don’t hesitate to use a condom when you do yourself…

Don’t let the pigs get you down!

Throughout modern history, the tight-lipped secret of the elite is that pedophilia is the ultimate form of lifelong blackmail. It is estimated that roughly one third of the world’s most influential and wealthy people are pedophiles themselves – while many of the rest are set up to be drugged and/or coerced into acts with minors in filmed (‘bugged’) rooms, yielding evidence powerful enough to forever control the most righteous of individuals. There are thousands of documented cases where criminal networks provide access to children for the purposes of sexual exploitation, child pornography, ritual abuse (Which includes ritual kabbalist murder and cannibalism) and even organ harvesting to elite clientele in the political and business worlds. Many people mysteriously die attempting to expose this reality in the real world…

Sure sheep, yeah sure, whatever…

My information came from, among others, the German born twin brother of America’s illegal 41st president, that’s the German born twin brother of America’s illegal 41st president, that’s the the German born twin brother of America’s illegal 41st president, you get it, hard for one twin to be German born and the other American born right, they had an American born half brother who’s name they both used, matter of fact ‘BND’ agent “Scherff” (41) used that name to become an illegal 41st president…

Now everything you built since then is a lie, what are you gonna do?