Me Mea-Culperating with class?

The Family Cult was\is WW2 German Nazi Odessa SS and their offspring, the torture mentioned (In the video below) was of the kind where you scream as loud as you can cause you can’t scream any louder, then came rape and drug based brainwashing…

(It was) 32 hours all up, some of the shit in the vid the result of that…
Are you one of those smart tough-guys who’d have handled it better?
If so prove it with a #pedodungeongrandjury on the Nov 6th ballot..

Their sad culture of hypocrites…

Lets talk about hypocrites, the dictionary definition of hypocrites as in a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles etc that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs like maybe a patriot actor on the 4th of July or else some type of Faux religious person who talks smack about god yet conspiratorially helps prevent a pedo dungeon grand jury…

Sure sheep, yeah sure, whatever…

My information came from, among others, the German born twin brother of America’s illegal 41st president, that’s the German born twin brother of America’s illegal 41st president, that’s the the German born twin brother of America’s illegal 41st president, you get it, hard for one twin to be German born and the other American born right, they had an American born half brother who’s name they both used, matter of fact ‘BND’ agent “Scherff” (41) used that name to become an illegal 41st president…

Now everything you built since then is a lie, what are you gonna do?

They hate us because we’re free…

America’s political media have all been co-opted by Odessa’s pawns sillies…

You don’t find any of their political media’s talking about the things that matter like who how and why America’s Freemason’s participated in the Sept 11 attack because, even if the show’s owners or hosts wanted to, the moment they did their advertisers would probable hint they were thinking of cancelling and Washington would get their media washer-women professionals cooking to squash the story under what would soon become an avalanche of what if’s Ah but’s and various other banal Masonic controlled distractions ~ The key to unwinding the treasonous gordian knot that Odessa slowly placed around your necks since they assassinated Kennedy is to place a rope around theirs, or to be more precise place a rope around roughly 2000 of their pawns in the Masonic Lodges, and you do that thru a pedophile dungeon grand jury, a grand jury into the Young Republican pedophile dungeon network America’s illegal German born 41st president created in America, initially using Nazi gold junk bonds and then using his conspiratorial Reaganomics asset strip leverage, and then finally using simple political blackmail which was the real reason those pedo networks were expanded, to control American politics via blackmail…

Now that’s checkmate, Maam…

It’s still a big secret to some that Adolph Eichmann survived his death in Israel thanks to his brother Mason’s trying and then hanging a dupe in his place, it’d be a surprise for some to learn that not only did he then place the US Air Force hydrogen bomb that German born ‘BND’ agent “Scherff” (41) stole from the US Air Force in the late 1950’s under congress with the help of a blackmailed Cheney and Rumsfeld, it’d also surprise most to know that he also got Diana Spencer’s mother pregnant and is thus the real grandfather of the man (Men) who would be king, both the William you think you know, the William you thought you had, and the other one waiting in the wings, split blastocyst Mengele triplets no less with one already dead ~ Welcome to the real world, the one where as a political gambit the ruling Germans have turned just about everything into not just a lie, but a lie so convoluted complicated and stupid that the average person not trained in the complexities of high level black ops espionage and treason will have zero chance of working things out…

An intellectual dwarf believes?

America seems blissfully unaware of the long term takeover of it’s media by bitter mostly illegitimately conceived part German ex rent boys and rent girls, all sourced from the Young Republican pedo networks that serviced America’s corrupt congress and City Hall’s and Governor’s Mansions from as far back as the very early 1980’s after ‘BND-Scherff-41’ first expanded their previous system using junk bond monies generated by the 1973 US Fed Chinese (Nazi) gold loan ~ Is it ignorance or lack of knowledge in play here because America seems blissfully unaware that they’re all part of a long term espionage act by World War Two Nazi’s flush with Europe’s looted gold who’d gaily inseminated, sometimes by force, many common prostitutes to carry their seed after the war, then literally ritually sacrificed many of the mother’s after a forced Caesarean birth like with my own birth mother, and then swapped the child with someone else’s baby as they’d done with myself, my step mother bitter angry and unforgiving although only occasionally taking it out on me…

Sounds bizarre maybe, but it’s true, the same plan was put in play among military political business legal and even religious circles, it’s literally the greatest act of Luciferin treason and heartless betrayal in history, bringing America ever forward to the day when half of it lies in ruins and the other half is reduced to serfdom…

Their Luciferian illuminates…

How long can this fake-patriotism manic lying of yours go on America, reality turned left and you turned right and never the twain shall meet unless you repent of your lying and other sins, yet as every single day passes the Freemason’s who pulled their Sept 11 Coup D’Etat on the US Constitution via the Patriot Act sham come up with new avalanches of made up ‘BS’ to distract the mind of the average brain fart of America while their Bavarian Illuminati masters loan you cash they made up out of thin air on the back of looted Iraqi and Libyan gold while making billions from Afghan opium and trillions over the next 20 years from stealing the Afghan Lithium they’re trucking and railroading down into China ~ Dudes, ‘WTF’ are you doing to your reality anyway, Cessna Pilot’s can’t fly commercial jets, two jets couldn’t even knock down one skyscraper let alone three of them, North Korea can’t even produce a clone of a 1964 Yugoslavian made petrol driven tractor let alone a hydrogen bomb or an ‘ICBM’ to deliver it either, and as for that fake memo? ~ You need to repent of three things America, repent of lying, repent of being stupid, and repent of farting between the ears and mistaking it for neurons firing off in your brains…

Ethically altruistic truism’s…

Some fool T-boned my Ducati in 1988 and the brake handle tore my knee open so good you could see ‘ALL’ of the interesting bits, the hospital stitched it up and put a full pressure bandage on ~ Few days later I’d hobbled across four lanes of traffic against the red light and, ‘BANG’, rat’s, there was five lanes of traffic, a lady’s Nissan sent me somersaulting into the air with a 1 1\2 pike and I’d landed back on her bonnet then bounced onto the road ~ Not feeling too good I’d extracted 10 x 30MG Codeine from the doctor and when I’d got home took them over 2 hours until the pain lessened, after the knee stopped hurting I’d noticed something changed but couldn’t put a finger on it, then realised it was my back, for the first time since my back was broken when ‘CIA’ got a semi to run me over in 1973 my back wasn’t hurting when laying down, realising I’d been mentally blocking out the back pain for 15 years and it was ‘HEAVY’ pain, just blocking it out without any mercy, I’d cried at how hard I’d been treating myself ~ Yeah Rumsfeld, ass hole, I’d certainly just sucked it up like you said to, currently my back still hurts, it takes about 130 MG of slow release morphine to get out of pain from the back, if I’m laying down that is, it’s more otherwise, while the bowel\bladder tumour ‘CIA’ gave me via chemical injection takes around 230 MG of the same to quell, yet I’ve no morphine or anything else either ~ Gee, I’d asked those who pretend to care for two years Private Health Care and they responded with squat diddly so, yeah, looks like they don’t really give a rat’s ass about my sense of well being after all, much like me myself between 1973 and 1988, Selah…

No death penalty for treason?

Andrew Jackson, not ‘Stonewall’ as previously stated, said “The time has arrived when the American people should understand what crime is, and that it should be punished, and it’s penalties enforced and inflicted. Treason must be made odious. Traitors must be punished and impoverished. I say, as to the leaders, punishment. I say leniency, conciliation, and amnesty to the thousands whom they have misled and deceived”…

(After Freemason’s made America more governable by engineering 600,000 dead)…

All well and good, for their treason on Sept 11 and their attack on the US Constitution Dubya Cheney Rumsfeld and ‘BND-Scherff-41′ should suffer capitol punishment too, if for nothing else than for the 1000’s of American’s they conspired to murder that day and ever since, however for their participation in crimes against US Military as far back as Vietnam Rumsfeld Cheney and German born ’41’ should also be hung after they face a firing squad, for their participation in Kennedy’s murder and\or the cover up after, Rumsfeld himself the Grassy Knoll shooter who shot Kennedy’s Secret Service double in the Limo in Dealy Plaza to confuse the dumb (Re) public over who killed their president, (Odessa), and when, they should be left to rot on the ground for their participation in helping Eichmann place a stolen US Air Force hydrogen bomb under congress prior to Odessa’s murder of Kennedy, one the future ’41’ stole using his brother’s US Air Force persona in the late 50’s, they should definitely die for that, no two ways about it, but then be left there on the ground for true patriot’s to piss on every 4th of July as you struggle to cope with the loss of those they murdered…

But you still need a treason amnesty for their minions America…

Now everything is a lie again…

A few 1000 years ago a young Hebrew was snatched from a garden on the Mount of Olives and then, after an illegal late night trial, bled dry on the cross in that secret ritual kabbalistic blood drinking occultism the High Priest Jews secretly do so well, before being butchered cooked and eaten by the lessor priests of Jerusalem after Pilate released the body to so called good guy Joseph of Arimathea…

Afterwards the political spin meisters working for the leaders of the Jews needed a good cover story for the disappearance of the cadaver of such a good man who’s only crime was for the most part being so stubbornly truthful, see, the judgement of the Roman Court was crucifixion, not crucifixion and then ritual cannibalism, so they came up with that cock and bull story about an angry invisible omnipotent omnipresent Abrahamic cosmic magician bringing the cadaver back to life which explained why the cadaver had gone missing and no Habeas Corpus was possible…

There were indeed several times that righteous Catholic priests within the Luciferin Catholic pedophile hierarchy tried to tell the truth about the Christ’s fate but, they failed to get anywhere, and now funnily enough you’ve got the same congressional Masonic fools who pretend that Cessna Pilot’s can fly commercial jets and two jets can knock down 3 skyscrapers also doing the same type of ritual murder as was done on the Christ’s cadaver on innocent kids at places across America like Bohemian Grove, yet still they’ll pretend that they’re defenders of America’s Christian heritage, defending it from unbelievers like me…

Truth is dead…

1 1\2 million dead-Muzzies joke…

Since the Civil war all treason in America was committed by Freemason’s, but ever since 1670 Grand Lodge which controls the top four level’s of Masonry has been run by Jews of part German descent, same thing happened in England Russia and all other countries, the Germanic Queen or King of England ruled for an elite section of feudal minded internationalists who mostly speak Judeo Xtian garbage publicly while they privately practise the worst forms of Luciferin kabbalist human sacrifice rituals known to man including blood drinking necrophilia and the consumption of roasted human flesh, these are they who really pulled the Sept 11 attacks for the sake of a Coup D’Etat on the US Constitution as well as looting billions in Iraqi and Libyan gold, then taking what will eventually become trillions in Afghan Lithium into German owned or controlled corporations in China, they’re currently meeting in Davos to decide your fates, their long term plan involves the end of your species…

Trashy tragic Teutonic denial…

Admit you had a fascist takeover with illegitimate German’s under the control of Bavarian Illuminati using the Masonic Lodge as their stalking horse before WW3 or admit it after, but admit it you will, without that 100% treason amnesty you can’t do squat about it, loser’s, think of your children…