To sanely endure the genocide…

Here’s a quick overview of the real plan of the Order of the Ages…

In the week after America’s Prussian master’s pull their next major false flag as the starter for martial law and then the derailing of even the pretense of civilian control over it’s Prussian run military, if you take the collective populations of the cities of New York, London, Beijing, Berlin, Moscow, Paris and Melbourne Australia which is about 60 million according to the calculator Bill Gates built into the Windows 7 OS and then multiply that by roughly 33.333 (sic) times, well that’s the approximate number of dead people there’ll be on the surface of the earth immediately afterwards, that’s before the lack of food water disease and the inevitable breakdown of sane logical order among survivors leads to a certain amount of mob rule and rioting…

And where will most of the decent tough people be?

Advanced Mid East diplomacy…

You’re a very special place America, a very special place…

I’ve asked so many times now for some kind dissenting (r) soul to find a way around the illegal treasonous and conspiratorial Patriot Act x ‘NDAA’ law and simply tell me outright via the phone or by an Email the precise excuse or allegation Washington’s Knight of Malta controlled Masonic govt used to place this old Ohio born sex slave traded boy (Man) on the proscribed person’s list of their aforesaid Patriot Act…

The political isolation of being wrongly placed on that list is keeping me politically powerless to properly defend myself across an entire range of unconstitutional and illegal actions by the perpetrator’s of the Sept 11 Coup  D’Atta, grow a set America,
I’d had more balls and brains than most of you are showing as a 7 y\o…

America’s Gulag Archipelago’s?

I’ve not got the resources to do a proper journalistic-style article on all of those abductions of Americans for underground bunker building labor from the depression years on, those of military for use as slave labor overseers in World War Two and in the Korean and Vietnam wars as well as a few million South East Asians as more labor to build bunkers, plus those missing Iranian boy soldiers, I’ve just not got the resource to do the subject justice but it’s no big secret, the Prussian ruling class have a very evil agenda in mind, they’re not just preparing bunkers for the sake of humanity surviving Pole Shift and retaining some form of technological prowess after, there’s a much darker plan involving the termination of this species and it’s replacement with another species bred by the Prussian Nazi’s in Mengele’s lab’s, beware…

Holy Hebrew hypocrisy again?

You’re an amazing place America, on the side of the angels was it?

Are you on the side of the angels when they told the Hebrew pimp\patriarch Abram to sacrifice what was supposedly his wife’s child Isaac to “The Lord“ whoever that is\was, for those still capable of rational logical thought outside of the artificial confines of a belief that what you were told to believe must be true simply because you were told to believe it was true, thus for those who can question their official religious narratives with some form of intelligence beyond believing it’s true just because it’s an accepted part of holy writ, that’s if the child really was the offspring of an old woman who had long since ceased to have her periods which in the real world serve to ready the womb for the blastocyst to implant itself and not just the child of one of the slave girls they’d appropriated as their own, or are you on the side of the angels when they told their Hebrew pimp\patriarch to spare the boy such a cruel brutal and inhuman death?

Don’t be so patiently waiting?

Forty years ago the ‘CIA’ budget was around $1 billion+ dollars a week….

It’s a ballpark figure, accurate enough, $1000+ million dollars per week you were paying the intelligence service controlled by the Prussian descent World War Two fascist Knight of Malta Masonic Sept 11 plotters to beguile you, deceive you, seduce you, launder more of your taxes in the form of Israeli Aid to both finance Hezbollah for the purpose of beginning the build up of the Muslim terror profile to help them (Eventually) sell that idiotic Cessna Pilot skyscraper-demolition story that provided the smokescreen to remove 2\3rds of the US Constitution via the Patriot Act, as well as using that laundered aid money to corrupt both sides of state and federal politics not to mention beginning the run of Colombian cocaine stateside to corrupt City Hall and the judges police forces governors plus other state and federal politicians…

Currently they outspend me over one million to one…

So you think they just went away?

Most believed it when told World War Two Nazi SS were defeated, most average folk are dumber than 2 dog’s whose tails are tied together, most believed it when told the Bavarian Illuminati no longer existed however Masonic Knight of Malta Lodges are a front for them, they always have been, better get at the truth before you die…

My Ohio-born election issues…

As a little boy I’d witnessed 20 child murders by ‘CIA’ and their operatives which means paid off books employees, 14 of those were outright ritual murders where the kids were slowly cut with knives until they went into shock and died, nine of those were mere babes in arms, all 14 were Aboriginal (Black) which I’d plainly saw as they were all killed in front of me no more than 8 to 10 feet away ~ I’d been told they were all girls yet there’s no way for me to bear witness to that as a proven fact, merely tell a lawfully constituted grand jury who told me that, in the simple way I’m keeping track of the acts of terror the US Govt committed in front of me the 15th tortured child who screamed the loudest of any was the eldest Beaumont girl Jane who numerically in the sense of linear time was the 10th child murdered in front of me by America…

Aaah unfortunately Yu Wong…

Machiavellian Prussian’s designed their trap brilliantly… And have the world’s powers facing a train wreck again… It was Prussians screwing everyone for 500 bloody years… These international families are acting as crime gangs… Russian’s have the same Battenberg problem there… Same shit in Beijing basically, different asshole’s…

True is true, false is false…

Some people are easily offended when it comes to religion or politics however if you’re genuinely offended then I’d think that whether you find my sense of humour amusing or not has about as much real relevance to the current realities of American politics which I’ve often been found dryly highlighting as does whether an American proctologist driving a Porsche or a fcuking Mercedes Benz or a Chev Corvette affects the $23 trillion (Per year) US Federal Deficit interest debt by any noticable margin, and in case you never knew that’s the amount Washington’s den of Knight of Malta thieves borrows each year on your behalf merely to pay interest on the real debt they’ve run up on your behalf ever since they illegally borrowed the gold they financed the Nazi’s to loot for them with your money back in 1933…

If they say otherwise, think Cessna Pilot’s…

My statement of genuine intent…

Here’s a bit of plain simple honesty in a very weird dishonest world…

I’ve no desire or need to seek political power, mostly because you can’t take it with you into the hereafter, all you can do is take whatever spiritual qualities and in my case whatever occultist abilities you have with you ~ I’ve also no need or desire to either get along with those who murdered my birth mother and twin sister by submitting to their schadenfreude sickness or taking it on as my own…

I’ve got absolutely zero intent and minimal desire to oppose their plans, I’d tacked most of my payback options as a young yet gifted occultist onto the backs of those very same plans they so secretly and clumsily pursue ~ I’ve also no need or desire to support them either, it’s been 56 years since I’d really given a rat’s ass either way after some dumb Russian born Prussian pig tortured me and then mocked me over my birth mother’s horrible torture murder, he also mocked me over the torture murder of my twin however the creep was lying, it’s 98% certain she died from a single kick by a Nazi jackboot within minutes of our birth by Caesarean without anaesthetic…

As you can see it’s a somewhat convoluted and chaotic environment I’d been born into which wasn’t of my own making, in the process of forming a response with my devious little heart and my quick learning political and occultist intellect I’d genuinely taken on the idea of healing the sickness of soul they (Prussian Nazi Freemason’s) have back in 1964 because I’d not wanted to become intellectually or spiritually corrupted by evil as I’d gone about being as bad as I’d needed to be to get even with them…

The torture of newborn babies?

Luciferin blood-cult Bavarian Illuminati bore me to death, try to learn what they are and what they’ve done, learn of Prussian bloodlines that created them, learn what to do about what they’ve done, learn about the deceptions they hide behind, force them to begin telling the truth about everything with an underground pedo dungeon grand jury with full open hearings on the Nov 6th ballot, then a 100% treason amnesty or a 100% firing squad followed by a 100% hanging where you leave the congressional cockroaches swinging on the rope until their lousy corpses rot and drop off…

At the tender age of 5 years…

That’s me age 10 years in the featured graphic at the start, I’d just been prostituted (Ass-raped) and washed after, it was in a pedo snuff-movie political blackmail brothel run by the Central Intelligence Agency for Odessa for the purpose of placing kids with various business finance political and religious figures for sex via drugs or perversion, and then blackmailing them, so were you ever thinking about giving me any legal representation for that in the real world you Yankee Doodle cocksocket’s?

Fool all the people all the time?

Knew Chrissie Hynde as an adolescent, knew her and her brother Barry were both “Schwammberger” then too but would always stay subtle and sly on all things tactical or strategic which she most certainly was thru being the daughter of one of the Odessa who murdered my birth mother ~ Most guys in that situation might’ve hated her for who her biological father was but not me, my step father had given me stern instructions around not hating or punishing children for their parent’s…

Right or wrong, true or false…

Whether you actually believe that a real devil really exists or simply believe that the imaginary god of Judeo Xtianity (Snicker) Almighty Jehovah made him up as an excuse for all of the amoral train wrecks he’s often allowed his chosen people to initiate and then preside over in his name is irrelevant, because one way or the other all right or wrong and true or false always remain constants outside of religious faith or a lack of it and that’s whether the things you base them on are false or whether they’re true, either way in any sound eternal perspective the constants of genuine moral rightness and genuine intellectual truthfulness remain relevant, they’re constants existing albeit sometimes ineffectively outside of whatever you want to make of them…

If what you base them on is false you’ll eventually be just like the historical religious extremists of the various Abrahamic faiths who in the name of their god hung drew quartered garroted raped buggered tortured on the rack or else crucified or burnt at the stake or otherwise selectively mistreated any who fell from the tenets of official stories they gave the servile, or if you’re like the devious treasonous Secret Society American Masonic Young Republican creeps in Washington on both sides of politics seeking to nominate or oppose Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court while ignoring his main role in the GW Bush White House was to prevent the president from having to respond to the many complaints of suspicious (Deliberate) deaths in the ‘VA’ hospital system, then you’ll as discreetly as possible actually fight truth and oppose any awareness of truthful right or wrong and genuine true or false even tho you have no working appreciation of the rationale behind such concepts…

100 million heavily armed idiots…

America, like Stalinist Russia, is an Orwellian surveillance state…

It’s one that is totally out of control and it’s a sad fact that it’s because it’s Govt is scared of it’s citizens after it’d murdered 1000’s of them on Sept 11 and since then murdered 1000’s more of them under the not so secret real world provisions of the ‘NDAA’ that were illegally and conspiratorially tacked onto it’s Patriot Act by those who actually attacked America for real on Sept 11 are what scares them…

The Masonic deep state sanctioned deaths under America’s real world secret state murder program are never going to be reported by the media because by law they’re not allowed to, as for the 100 million heavily armed idiots that Washington is scared of it’s a fact that most of them wouldn’t have the ‘IQ’ of tooth plaque yet get pretty riled, violent even, if they think they’re being lied to or picked on, or both…

And the Masonic Berger’s of Washington have been doing lots of both to them ever since they said Cessna Pilot’s knocked down 3 skyscrapers with only two jets so it looks to me like the low intelligence of the average heavily armed American idiot is the only thing that stops these low brow fools from grabbing their pitchforks and their guns and taking their corrupt govt by their mangy necks, giving them a quick but fair trial and a quick fair firing squad followed by a slow but fair hanging until they rot and just drop off the fcuking ropes, then finally give them a nice (Fair) old piece of dry dusty national park land to rot on while birds pick their flesh…

Me Mea-Culperating with class?

The Family Cult was\is WW2 German Nazi Odessa SS and their offspring, the torture mentioned (In the video below) was of the kind where you scream as loud as you can cause you can’t scream any louder, then came rape and drug based brainwashing…

(It was) 32 hours all up, some of the shit in the vid the result of that…
Are you one of those smart tough-guys who’d have handled it better?
If so prove it with a #pedodungeongrandjury on the Nov 6th ballot..

Pedo-dungeon grand jury?

Political manipulators tell you it’s all about your feelings?

Well it’s not, it’s about what’s right and wrong, what’s weak or strong, what’s true or false, what’s justifiable (Which pedophilia isn’t) and what’s not justifiable, and as far as this man is concerned what’s not justifiable is being weak enough to be hypocritical enough (sic) to leave it all to those who run the bloody Young Republican pedophile dungeon networks to decide whether America needs a pedophile dungeon grand jury to get at the real facts behind what German born ‘BND’ agent “Scherff-41” created in the American body politic ~ No, rip that rotten cancer out of the Washington some of you simply call a swamp but instead should call a sewer, only once you have the whole of the hidden story behind the systematic ritual rape of children and even the ritual murder of children in that 50 state wide Young Republican run Washington sewer can you begin to have respect for yourselves as a nation of decent people…

Thus far, you’re only a mob of diseased rats in my opinion…

Allow me to restate something here in plain language, I’d witnessed 23 murders by the age of 13 years and all of them were performed live in front of me in real time by employees of the country I’d been born in, America ~ Of those 23 murders 20 were mere children, 14 girls were tortured to death outright not more than 10 feet away from me by being slowly cut with knives, 9 of those torture murders were babies, a 15th girl, the eldest Beaumont girl was horribly tortured by being spike fcuked with a razor tipped strap on and then shot, of the other 5 including the Beaumont girl’s little brother and sister 3 were shot and two were eviscerated in front of me…

Then one was decapitated, those last two were in 1963…
You had the same crimes by the same people stateside…

Washington’s lies look like patriotic newborn baby-angel’s farts, right?

Thanks to the secret German-Jews which the Illuminati slowly inculcated into the American political system ever since the treasonous ‘OSS’ became the ‘CIA’ after the faked ending to WW2, the basic fabric of morality in American politics has become Luciferin, as in literally worshipping Lucifer the liar thief murderer and Jewish kabala (Sexual-pervert) deity behind closed… Continue reading Washington’s lies look like patriotic newborn baby-angel’s farts, right?