Identity-swap madness…

It was all treason most foul, Bavarian Illuminati Masonic treason…

You’re in denial America, you’re in denial 24\7 now you servile fools…
It’s an American-born man below with his 2 German-born 1\2 brothers…
He’s Prescott’s American son, the other’s, Prescott’s German-born twins…
All are Prescott’s son’s, yet, one of them was an illegal president…

First, a bit of practical context ~ Attended the Surfers Paradise Southport hospital once in 1990 for something or other and while talking to some dude out front he said “Saw you here yesterday”, I’d simply replied “Must be some mistake”…

Me, long hair, patch over my left eye, back then a mean looking fit guy, but he was kind of insistent ~ I’d said to him again “Nope, wasn’t me” and again, he dug his heels in, again he said it was me, there was a bit of banter until I’d grown tired of it then I’d just said “Ah you’re a fcuking idiot mate” and left it at that…

Whoever it was, it sure as hell wasn’t me…

Back in Melbourne a year or so later I’d been listening to the talk back shows on nighttime 3AW radio, waiting for a subject which interested me and, damn, some asshole came on the radio who’s voice sounded, almost, well more than almost, whoever it was literally sounded more like me than me did, it was really (Really) really disturbing that was, knowing the dirty way the ‘CIA’ had been playing shit since I’d been a boy as well as knowing how stupid average folk are, anyway I’d never seen whoever the guy at the Surfers Paradise was, if he even existed, but couldn’t deny that whoever it was on the radio was most definitely going to be taken as if me…

America has had the same problem one way or another with three GHW Bush’s since the 1960’s, I’d met all three face to face, two of them German born by the way including the 41st president, and also met two guys pretending to be John Kerry in the 1970’s, the original, a reasonably nice man along with that Russian born cnut the US intelligence services called “LURCH” who was the one who became Secretary of State, at different times I’d met two guys playing John McCain in the 1970’s, both times while McCain was supposedly locked away in the Hanoi Hilton, plus although most people wouldn’t know this back in the 70’s Cheney and Sanders looked another like each other to be passed off by ‘CIA’ or their Nazi master’s as either guy without anything more than a new hairstyle or wig, and the beat goes on ~ There were two men playing Slick Willy Clinton at the time he’d illegally sold American plutonium refining technology to Chinese Rockefeller interests headed by Xi JinPing, men I’ve never met, and three women playing Hillary Clinton that I’d also never met although one of them is 100% certain to have been Ciccione’s half sister, via Mengele, but either way still America and the world at large suffered, at least two guys played the role of Donald Trumpf in the last 25 years, nope, never met neither of them and don’t particularly care anymore either ~ The “Battenberg” (Mountbatten) descendent playing the role of Vladimir Putin in 2001 was no longer the same man he was back in the late 1990’s after an identity swap, and word is Mengele created three separate Prince William’s in a test tube in much the same way as he made multiple copies of Jared Kutschmann (Kushner) and Barack Obama too as well, in Obama’s case in press ganged Burmese wombs 50 years ahead of the rest of medical science ~ There’s no such thing as clones kiddies, least I’m pretty sure that’s bullshit, but natural born lookalikes, plus cousin’s and brother’s separated at birth who look alike, like Trumpf, as well as split blastocyst twins triplets and quads? ~ Oh yeah, such things exist, and this stupid world political culture led astray by faggot treasonous American’s manipulated by loveless German descent Luciferin Masonic pigs is about to be swamped by them…

PS: “GFY’s”, (Go Fcuk Yourselves) but don’t forget my sarcasm blog…
This blog isn’t sarcasm, it’s pithy, true, but it’s not sarcastic as such…
Hit this link for the sarcasm blog, tho watch out, it’s sarcastic

And what happens when you don’t keep up?

The evil clowns win, you lose the safety and security of the American people…


Everyone was lied to large…

At the time the inside story people were told of Tunguska was that it was the world’s first nuclear explosion using a 120 meter cannon firing a shell of crude uranium into a meter square block of similar metal encased in a 100 ton block of concrete, in 1907 enough Russian Mason’s believed it was true to hand over all of their gold to the German descent Mason’s amongst them which they (German descent Mason’s) then used to start the US Federal Reserve banking system ~ Later, seeing the story worked so well a dummy nuke was put in place in Berlin for the time of the 1936 Olympics, Hess sailed a similar device into London 2 weeks before the fake Scotland crash landing story, then Musso and Captain Erich Topp sailed one up the Manhattan River prior to Truman, finally, a US Air Force hydrogen bomb stolen by the future illegal German born spy ’41’ using his brother’s identity was placed under congress by Odessa’s Adolph Eichmann, with the help of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney…

Think you’ve got all of that?

Well, you haven’t, word is they were all non functional too, the whole thing was a cold hand bluff pulled on lower order Mason’s, American’s, German’s, English, Russian’s, everybody, the result being zero peace the world over since their World War, and yet the fcuk-heads call what they do ‘ANCIENT WISDOM‘…

It’s not ancient wisdom tho, Ancient Bullshit is more like it…
Pictured in the blog above are three different GHW Bush’s, it’s real…
And here’s two different Kennedy’s below, two different men…

I’d heard there was a third Kennedy like with Prescott three sons, different mother’s for 2 of the Bush boys, with Kennedy likewise most likely, cousins and\or 1\2 brothers separated at birth like myself and my twin ~ Better stop letting these lying Mason’s trick you simpleton’s with glib put downs of my perspectives openly written here, or at least let me hear their lying responses in real time so I’m able to reply and thus I’d be able to rebut their denials in a timely manner ~ I’m not claiming all the answers however I’ve covered most of the questions accurately as best I’m able after a Stalinist surgical lobotomy some 17 to 18 years ago, I’m doing better than you ‘OR’ their pawns could, so show respect for the work if not for me myself…

One Kennedy died with the tube of a rough tracheotomy squeezed shut while a Nazi dcik was down his throat after approximately 100 high power up and coming mostly America Mason’s of elite illegitimate Bavarian descent, including Rumsfeld and Cheney, throat raped him, it was Eichmann took him down into the Masonic tunnels underneath congress to view the stolen US Air Force hydrogen bomb he’d placed there where he was then “Shot in the back” if you will, I’m not telling crafty lies, I’m working my way thru what I’d learned in the 1960’s, trying hard to draw these liars out to tell the whole truth, another Kennedy also died that month, obviously the one in the bottom photograph in Dealy Plaza, but was there a third Kennedy?

Looks that way…

Just acknowledge these two different men below before we go there, and keep in mind what you’re dealing with, high treason in a Masonic conspiracy going back to the Civil War, Cessna Pilot’s can’t fly 757 jets and 2 jets can’t knock down 3 fcuking skyscrapers idiots, the whole system is buried in Bavarian Illuminati lies…

They literally throatfcuked your president to death America…
We’re talking high rank Nazi + German Jew descent Freemason’s…
Maybe you all wanna just let bygones be bygones, till they kill you?
Let it all slide until half of you die and the other half envy them?
Well maybe you do want to do that, maybe you really do…

You need that treason amnesty America, you need it real bad…

They’ve identity-swapped the fcuk out of you America…
So who identity-swapped the fcuk out of you you may ask?
Ruling Mason’s, and THEIR ruling Bavarian Illuminati…


Some random stuff for Australian dcik-licker’s…

Meanwhile, go to hell with the thing you serve Australia…
And take all of your little hypocrite ratbags with you, forever…
Dead serious there, go to hell Australia, ‘GO TO HELL’…

(True story of Erich Jennings and Erich Hartmann nee-Widenreich)…

These two boys, later one of them qualified as a man almost, both got their salary from the German Govt Dept pictured above, yet were off books operatives of the US Central Intelligence Agency, not really as surprising as you might think once you learn enough to begin disbelieving the crap your media sells you about ‘CIA’ and start to get into the real reasons for it’s creation ever since the bad old ‘OSS’ says when it spawned the shit aiding those in Washington committing the treason in America today ~ Potential good men do indeed go into the ‘CIA’ but like US Navy ‘SEALS” few if any men ever come out of that organization as good men, if they ever leave they’ve almost murdered or helped murder so many innocents that their eternal fate is doomed…

Anyway, in this context above and with no joke intended or implied, Hartmann was the one that mostly set up America’s Wicca sex cult kill circles on the back of it’s methamphetamine wholesaling network, both of which he controlled for his employers which was not the ‘CIA’ fools, he was an off books operative, more in control than they were at critical times, while Jennings used to act as both an alibi for his hits and also the front man if some good old boy copper was not taking heed and obeying ~ Jennings would make the contact, buddy up, pretend to be a friend trying to help, one with access to heavy resource, arrange a contact point, then Hartmann would step in, kill the cop (Around 20 I’d heard) while Jennings would be used to prove Hartmann was nowhere near the scene of the crime ~ I’ve already blogged some of the kills I’d seen them do in Australia, and at this point take opportunity to remind the Australian Federal Police that not only was Assistant Australian Federal Police Commissioner Colin Stanley Winchester ‘NOT’ out front of his home the night you and everyone else claim he died, both me drugged shitless under the best ‘CIA’ hypnotic type “MK Ultra” drugs they had, and Jennings, were outside of his house at that time…

Oh yeah, there was no David Eastman there that night either…
Just a bunch of Masonic ‘AFP and CIA’ roping the (Me) dope…
In other words Colin Winchester’s death was 100% faked…

(Their pedo snuff-movie blackmail brothel cut-out)…

(He’s repeating himself, we’re not deeef)…

I’d witnessed the boy’s death in Canberra…
It was around six weeks after his abduction…
Saw him three times there before his death…
Gave 2 stat-dec’s to the Victorian coroner…
‘BND and CIA’ fully running it…

Notice this kid in the vid below looks like Martin Bryant’s twin?
(Bryant was the boy they claim single handedly slaughtered 35 people)…
Probably just one of those Joseph Mengele coincidences Australia…
Everything’s a coincidence  isn’t it, of course it is, coincidence…
And claims of a second shooter? ~ C’mon, all coincidence…

The original Martin Bryant below, a man very-poorly treated…
One who was prostituted as a kid by the same dogs as prostituted me…
And was there a second-shooter in that Port Arthur live-shooter exercise?
I’ve absolutely no idea, but met the kid below just prior to the ‘PA’ incident…
I’d (Also) met him approximately 1980 or thereabouts in South Australia…
He was just a scared young kid getting pimped by German Jew Mason’s…
In itself it made me rightly suspect a very large ‘CIA’ rat was involved…
Is he a Nazi eugenic brother half-brother or cousin to the guy above?
Well again I’ve no idea, yet at one stage Martin claimed innocence…

Still a road to nowhere?
They say you can never win…
Then I’ll lose with class…

And never trust a German, a Jew, or a Freemason either…
That means them their gods their devils forever and evermore…
Meanwhile, I’ve still got a broken back, neck, and three tumours…
Obviously the broken-back and neck are old and have healed some…
But they’ve left some serious damage, plus the tumors are untreated…
Two years private health care was what any real friends would’ve done…
Seems like the German Jew pig’s actually enjoy keeping me in pain…
Perhaps it’s part of their love and their ancient wisdom maybe…
But no community support for some private healthcare…
Politically I-need that private health care ‘NOW’…
Geeze, I-need the morphine now too…

For 11 years now I’ve made continual offers to America…
I’ve offered to take a loan for lawyers or heroin to euthanize…
Instead of responding positively they just buried me in their ‘BS’…
I’ve broken no law but have become a “Proscribed Person”…

They spent over $3.5 billion to bury me in bullshit…
Just shy of eight years since I’d really wanted to be alive…
Not suicidal in the least or, I’d already be dead-diddly-dead…
Still, almost 8 years since life’s given me the right high…
One came really close, one might’ve been passable…
But no true resource to get things moving right…

PPS: In case you forget Oz, the dingo really ‘WAS’ innocent too…
Remember the Azaria murder? ~ It wasn’t Lindy Chamberlain did it…
How long can this German-controlled Yankee-sham continue guys?
It continues up until you make it stop, or, ‘WW3’ intervenes…

Thanks for nothing Australia, you too America…

And look Australia, they killed your Prime Minister…

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