American politics, or…

World Championship Worm Wrestling?  😦 Drones that ‘think’ like humans could be heading for war zones: Darpa chip uses ‘neural networks’ to act like the human brain Daily Mail February 8, 2016 The Pentagon is funding research to develop a microchip that not only promises brain-like artificial intelligence, it is small enough to fit inside… Continue reading American politics, or…

The Plane Truth…

Sarcastically expressed  😉 So, Umm, those ‘Bavarian Illuminati‘ just went away did they Freemasons?  😉 What’s Behind Bernie Sanders’ Socialism? Charles Scaliger The New American November 27, 2015 At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire on October 30, senator and presidential candidate Bernie San­ders attempted to clarify in what sense he is a “socialist.”… Continue reading The Plane Truth…

Does it really matter?

‘STUPID‘ wants me to submit   😉 The problem with that is, to submit to the (Fascist) stupid I’d have to be stupid in the first place, and speaking in a certain amount of ‘Stupidity’ (Snicker) if I’m not being stupid beforehand, then I’d certainly be pretty bloody stupid after, basically because if you think about it… Continue reading Does it really matter?

Mocking the unmockable, then just truthfully telling it like it is…

So are all of those metaphorical ‘RATS’ in the cartoon above the reason America’s political system and free world political media can no longer function without lying whenever one of their media minders commands them too?  😦 Or is there another reason?  😉   Shocking Video Emerges Of Girl Being Attacked While Holding A TODDLER… Continue reading Mocking the unmockable, then just truthfully telling it like it is…

My 100th post while waiting for the justice that true love would bring, and the sanity that only truth gives a damn about, and nothing-else matters…

. U.S.-Russia War Over Ukraine? Patrick J. Buchanan April 17, 2015 “Could a U.S. response to Russia’s action in Ukraine provoke a confrontation that leads to a U.S.-Russia War?” This jolting question is raised by Graham Allison and Dimitri Simes in the cover article of The National Interest. The answer the authors give, in “Countdown… Continue reading My 100th post while waiting for the justice that true love would bring, and the sanity that only truth gives a damn about, and nothing-else matters…

You think I’m joking, do you?

. . Government Agencies Scramble to Purchase Hazmat Suits . Orders from one company surpass 1 million as concerns about Ebola linger Paul Joseph Watson Prison October 30, 2014 RELATED: Exclusive: U.S. Government Orders 250,000 Hazmat Suits to be Sent to Dallas . . .   Et.Tu.Britass • 2 hours ago . Umm ~… Continue reading You think I’m joking, do you?


. More idiotic ‘Prison Planet‘ comments from the idiot ~ (The one below was placed on an article on Russian nukes) ~ .   Et.Tu.Britass (To) Vengeance • 18 minutes ago  Anybody still got any pictures of the 70 kg 18 klm per sec anti grav kinetic weapons the Yanks perfected in the 80’s? ~ Obviously… Continue reading IS THIS WHORE DIPLOMAT JOKING?