How Satan Wins…

Moscow Could Be Prepping for Space War With Aggressive New Satellites David Axe Daily Beast July 23, 2015 On Christmas Day in 2013, a rocket blasted off from the Russian Federal Space Agency’s Plesetsk Cosmodrome, about 500 miles north of Moscow. The 95-foot-tall, 118-ton Rokot booster—an unarmed version of a Cold War nuclear-tipped missile—lanced into… Continue reading How Satan Wins…

“It’s the terrorism, stupid”

. 5 (1) Charts Which Show That The Next Economic Crash Is Dead Ahead Michael Snyder Economic Collapse March 31, 2015 When an economic crisis is coming, there are usually certain indicators that appear in advance.  For example, commodity prices usually start to plunge before a recession begins.  And as you can see from the… Continue reading “It’s the terrorism, stupid”

The horrible Zionist truth

. Global Debt Nears $200 TRILLION Governments, households in more debt than before Great Recession! Kit Daniels Prison February 6, 2015 Total global debt is now a record $199 trillion, an increase of $57 trillion since the Great Recession, raising concerns a deep depression is coming. Government, corporate and household debt have exploded at… Continue reading The horrible Zionist truth

The Great American joke

. RUMSFELD + CHENEY = GRASSY KNOLL   🙂 . Manufactured Terror, Not the Economy, Will Dominate 2016 Election Like the Soviet Union, ISIS is a vastly overrated villain Kurt Nimmo Prison Feburary 6, 2014 Propaganda & the endless horror of ISIS sensationalized by establishment media will overshadow worries about the economy during the… Continue reading The Great American joke

Simple ~ Factual ~ A Psy-op ~

. . Report: Army Special Forces in Ferguson For Verdict Men outfitted in suspicious attire appear to provide security for courthouse Prison November 22, 2014 Members of a covert military outfit, most likely U.S. Army Delta Force, have been spotted outside the Clayton, Mo., courthouse where a grand jury is convening to decide whether… Continue reading Simple ~ Factual ~ A Psy-op ~