B-Grade Intellectual Religious Buggery, or, an alternative dissenting humorous view that’s not yet fully illegal, yet…

. “TRUTH“ ~ Muhammad Ali  😉 . The face of truth is open ~ The eyes of truth are bright ~ The lips of truth are never closed ~ The head of truth is upright ~ . The breast of truth stands forward ~ The gaze of truth is straight ~ Truth has neither fear… Continue reading B-Grade Intellectual Religious Buggery, or, an alternative dissenting humorous view that’s not yet fully illegal, yet…

Mocking mitt-der Funnies…

Treason is as treason does  😦 . Did you hear the one about the Muslim, socialist, Kenyan president? Hunter Schwarz Washington Post April 28, 2015 If there’s one thing we can count on from President Obama at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner every year, it’s him making jokes about being Muslim, foreign-born and socialist. On Saturday,… Continue reading Mocking mitt-der Funnies…

“It’s the terrorism, stupid”

. 5 (1) Charts Which Show That The Next Economic Crash Is Dead Ahead Michael Snyder Economic Collapse March 31, 2015 When an economic crisis is coming, there are usually certain indicators that appear in advance.  For example, commodity prices usually start to plunge before a recession begins.  And as you can see from the… Continue reading “It’s the terrorism, stupid”

The Anarchist Professor

. AMERICA? = PATRIOT? (US CONTRADICTIONS) . They’re all just fruit pickers: Obama’s immigration speech ‘most racist’ ever? BizPac Review November 21, 2014 President Obama’s primetime speech Thursday night caused feelings of anger for many, and not only because he granted de-facto amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. During the speech the president referred to illegals as… Continue reading The Anarchist Professor

Think twice about thinking twice

. . The jokes are the funny bits (The reality is the real bits in it) . Some silly comments on ‘Prisonplanet.com’ for the thinkers ~ .   Et.Tu.Britass • 15 minutes ago . Obama’s pledge to America at his 2017 re re-inauguration as president ~ . “My fellow citizens ~ Times are tough, but… Continue reading Think twice about thinking twice