Nothing new here… (Sigh)

Trump: The Problem is Not Guns, It is Mental Illness “I’m a very strong 2nd Amendment person” Kurt Nimmo Prison August 27, 2015 During an interview with CNN on Thursday, presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said the issue in the wake of the shooting in Virginia is not guns, but mental illness. “This isn’t a… Continue reading Nothing new here… (Sigh)

Amnesty for 55+ years of treason

. Amnesty for 55+ years of treason = Truth  😉 Report: Top American Psychologists Aided a CIA Torture Program Brendan O’Connor Gawker May 1, 2015 According to a new report, the American Psychological Association collaborated in secret with the C.I.A. and the Bush administration to establish legal and ethical justifications for the torture program. The… Continue reading Amnesty for 55+ years of treason

America? = Full of shit!

. (Read the following post to find out how it started) . Syrian No-Fly-Zone a Bid to Save Al Qaeda Tony Cartalucci NEO December 14, 2014 Recent strikes on Syria by Israel have been alleged to be part of a regional plan by the US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel to establish a no-fly-zone… Continue reading America? = Full of shit!

Funny old “Ancient Wisdom”

. Sharyl Attkisson: Mainstream Media Too ‘Swayed By Propaganda’ Alex Griswold Daily Caller November 29, 2014 In an interview with talk show host Larry King, ex-CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson said today’s American media are “Too swayed by the propaganda campaigns.” “Your book is scathing about the state of American journalism,” King noted. “When we say the… Continue reading Funny old “Ancient Wisdom”

The Anarchist Professor

. AMERICA? = PATRIOT? (US CONTRADICTIONS) . They’re all just fruit pickers: Obama’s immigration speech ‘most racist’ ever? BizPac Review November 21, 2014 President Obama’s primetime speech Thursday night caused feelings of anger for many, and not only because he granted de-facto amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. During the speech the president referred to illegals as… Continue reading The Anarchist Professor