
Disneyland  😦 Domestic Terror and… Other pointless illusions  😦 According to some Masonic ‘Male bimbo’ on ‘Cspam’ radio just now, the single biggest threat facing America today is “Domestic Terrorism“ whereas a few short years ago the threat was what GW Bush called ‘The Terrorists’ with a subtle implication that long before the ‘Level Two Patriot Act’ covered… Continue reading Islamaphobic…

Can’t avoid fate…

or a girl called Destiny  😉 House Benghazi Hearings: Too Much Too Late Ron Paul Prison October 26, 2015 Last week the US House of Representatives called former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to appear before a select committee looking into the attack on a US facility in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012. The attack… Continue reading Can’t avoid fate…

Amnesty for 55+ years of treason

. Amnesty for 55+ years of treason = Truth  😉 Report: Top American Psychologists Aided a CIA Torture Program Brendan O’Connor Gawker May 1, 2015 According to a new report, the American Psychological Association collaborated in secret with the C.I.A. and the Bush administration to establish legal and ethical justifications for the torture program. The… Continue reading Amnesty for 55+ years of treason

The pointless never-ending eternal quest of General Sir Nigel Graham Chapman Dciksalot Esq, KCB

. . Obama administration ‘blocking’ information from the press – AP . RT September 20, 2014 .   ricck lineheart • 2 hours ago  I can only imagine the Kenyan parade leaving the White House at the end of Os Presidency . Who knows how many of his relatives and friends are now shacked up… Continue reading The pointless never-ending eternal quest of General Sir Nigel Graham Chapman Dciksalot Esq, KCB