Mars attacks? ‘Tack-em back!

Here’s a personal opinion of mine ~ It’s possible, nay probable, that before this next 30 years passes this species may wish to hang 95% of it’s politicians and political media and their minders, either for the sake of self preservation, or simply to punish them for their treason ~ I’m not saying you should… Continue reading Mars attacks? ‘Tack-em back!

The pointless never-ending eternal quest of General Sir Nigel Graham Chapman Dciksalot Esq, KCB

. . Obama administration ‘blocking’ information from the press – AP . RT September 20, 2014 .   ricck lineheart • 2 hours ago  I can only imagine the Kenyan parade leaving the White House at the end of Os Presidency . Who knows how many of his relatives and friends are now shacked up… Continue reading The pointless never-ending eternal quest of General Sir Nigel Graham Chapman Dciksalot Esq, KCB