The pointless never-ending eternal quest of General Sir Nigel Graham Chapman Dciksalot Esq, KCB



Obama administration ‘blocking’ information from the press – AP



September 20, 2014



I can only imagine the Kenyan parade leaving the White House at the end of Os Presidency . Who knows how many of his relatives and friends are now shacked up in the place , this is the real cover up .



Do you mean when he officially becomes “President-X” ~
Bwaaaaaaaar-Haaa-Ha-Haa-Ha ~ (It’s an insider’s joke) ~


He had a date with O’s mother….about 9 mos prior to O’s birth in 1961.




Now you’re getting it, although the dates aren’t as important in the overall picture as ‘WHO’ the chaperone for the date was for that weird whacky eugenic moment ~ You can rest assured that a shtick book and a rubber glove as well as a silver spoon and a plunger and a glass tube plus very advanced microscopes and high tech stuff to splice a blastocyst at 16 cells into ‘TWO’ sets of 8 cells was also part of the after-party party-party ~ Try ‘TWO’ birth moms too ~ Kenya and Indonesia ~
Big-money science is ‘ALWAYS’ 30-40 years ahead ~


The Illuminati in Hollywood EXPOSED! Pentagon Film Liaison Philip Strub Admits Government Control


Mark Dice
September 19, 2014




Great ~ It’s taken 80 years for this story to break ~ Going on that measure the truth behind 911 should become common knowledge around 2814 all things considered and all things being equal, which they never are ~



Two Russian soldiers talk during lunch break back in the real Putin’s days ~
“Hear about the new super-weapon we developed to fight America Ivan?” says Corporal Drogo Babonovich to his best pal Ivan ~ “Yes Drogo, friend” said Sargent Ivan Poponya as he carefully poured another shot of vodka into his coffee cup bearing Putin’s old picture ~ “I have never heard of this new weapon before you have mentioned it Drogo ~ The America have them too” ~ (sic)
Two US soldiers under Chuck Bush are talking during lunch break ~
“Ya’ll hear about tha ‘KEY-NETIC WEAPON’ we got to whack dirty Ruskies back to the stone age Roger?” says one to the other ~ “Sure have, Tom ~ It hits so fast it’s like a meteorite strike ~ Do you think the Russians have one too?” ~
The point of this? ~ They got them already, suckers ~ So has China ~




“What do you call a neo-Rockefeller losing $2.3 Trillion?” ~ Clumsy? 😉
If you’re shet-deep in the Gulags a sense of humour helps ~ Dah? 😉



What about Indian reserves? I guess Rockefeller helps them badly.




“Broken Arrow” was ‘ALWAYS’ a bit bent in the sexual sense, as in the man was as gay as Liberace yet not as good a piano player, tho I’ve absolutely no idea whether he’s done well or poorly in the pursuit of his people’s well being ~ Wait ~ Hmmm ~ Broken Who? ~ You know ‘Broken Arrow’ do you? ~ Mister Smacky Whacky 9th Dan Indian ex SEAL Hapkido expert? ~ You’re a weird place America and I’d just like to die quietly now ~ Seriously ~ 5 Grams? ~
Heh-Heh ~ “Broken Arrow” would make a hell of a name for a movie character who, under the tutelage of one of his ex lovers from the 70’s who himself was an ex defence secretary (Twice now) successfully stole a nuke and used it for dirty politics ~ Ah hell ~ Geeze-ass Careerist there I go again ~ It’s just fcuking crazy and, besides, it’s all been done before hasn’t it? ~ Just as well most people won’t know enough to connect the dots of my idiotic ramblings here otherwise I’d be getting myself neck-deep in crap ~ Never mind, because, although I’ve never (Thankfully) had the chance to personally pursue those godly endeavours that the imaginary original ‘Broken Arrow’ did (sic) even tho I ‘DID’ get my dcik sucked by the same ex defence secretary once in the 70’s when I’d only been 15, I’d had a mind like that mean old ‘DELTA’ hand has right now at 74 when I’d been a 7 y\o with a 220 IQ ~
Life sure has been interesting thus far ~ 5 Grams please ? ~


9/11 Commission Report Burned at US Embassy by Victim’s Brother


September 19, 2014




I hope you have loved ones, friends, and hopes for grandchildren. Even if the only thing you can do is pray for a better world, then pray for your loved ones, friends, and grandchildren. Even if you die before the SHTF, don’t you care about them? Please do whatever you can for their sake. And if you have no loved ones, then please pray for the rest of us—we need it.




I’ll pray you all tell the truth ~ As soon as I’ve got that faith in you ~
(Perhaps ‘YOU’ could pray for me that I’ll be able to have faith in you?) ~






Sounds like Italian WW2 dictator Mussolini who was financed by British Banks and who’s grandfather was an 1840’s Neapolitan Jew Avitabile, sailed a Tunguska nuke into Manhattan 3 weeks before the coronation (sic) of president Truman ~ Supposedly that was only done in retaliation over the US Fed financed Nazi DP Rudolph Hess sailing one up the Thames right into London 2 weeks before the Scotland crash landing cover story they ran in 1941 to hide it all ~ The kicker is, according to my old WW2 Nazi rellies, there was one in Berlin by the time of the Berlin Olympics in 1936 and Adolph Hitler had no control over it ~ Remember Benjamin Disraeli’s statement that there’s 3 types of people in the world ~ 1/ The few who make things happen and 2/ A slightly larger group who ‘SEE’ things happen plus 3/ The rest of the poor slobs like most of us ~ Then remember, big-money science is always 30-40 years of what you’re told in the real world, if you’re ever told ~ Now realign all of ‘THAT’ with the stolen Pommy or American nuke placed under congress in 1962 via the old Masonic tunnels there and you’ve got a far greater chance of understanding the convoluted multi-level idiocy of the ‘ANCIENT WISDOM’ that’s supposedly guiding our world 😦


Survey Shows Only A Third Of Americans Can Name All Three Branches Of Government


Never mind, the new iPhone will tell us

Steve Watson
September 19, 2014


Survey Shows Only A Third Of Americans Can Name All Three Branches Of Government 030614congress





The 3 branches of Govt are as follows ~ 1/ Masons representing the British Monarch ~ 2/ The US Fed representing the British Banks ~ 3/ A daisy chain consisting of the Pope and the Chief Rabbi and the Grand Mufti representing the invisible omnipotent omnipresent angry cosmic magician in the sky ~
In reality the Pope Chief Rabbi and Grand Mufti are always Masons ~
(Anyone still thinking otherwise is seriously fcuking deluded about reality) ~
As to who ‘THEIR’ boss is? ~ Umm ~ Is it Batman? ~ Or the Joker? ~




Post ‘Patriot Act‘ America ~



Anyone seen my nasty old pit-bull called “Reality” lately? ~


He ran away during a violent thunderstorm back in 64 and I’ve been looking for him ever since ~ He’s about 52 states tall and has a red white and blue nose, pretty good at playing “FETCH THE SHTICK” yet has no road sense and no basic instincts other than if it moves, bite-it or root it ~ If you find him, please return him to “Butch” c\o PO Box 1600, Kenneport Connecticut 😉




‘Yes’ Supporters Claim Videos Show Scottish Referendum Was Rigged


Footage shows Yes votes being added to No pile

Paul Joseph Watson
September 19, 2014


September 19, 2014?

September 19, 2014?

September 19, 2014?





Maybe the BBC’s fictional Dr Who and the Time Lords are battling a confederacy of the Cybermen and the Daleks in a battle to save America’s soul from that tear in the space\time continuum that opened up in 08′ when Dept of State started what’s now become a $1+ Billion Dollar Psy-Op black hole of total media disinformation? ~  Cause that’s pretty whacky ~ Maybe it was simply old “Dr Frankenfurter” from the Broadway version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show musical, also known as Senator McCocaine, who was doing a ‘TIME-WARP (Whatever that was) GAMBIT’ again just as America was finally about to tell the truth about stuff it wasn’t? ~ Ooh ~ Looks like the Satanic sarcasm-fairies done got me by my old short and curlies again ~



Robert the Bruce strikes again!




Piss-off Cleese ~ Idle ~ Jones ~ Palin ~ All of you ~ Bugger-off 😉
As for you Graham, and you Gilliam, wait till I tell your moms what you been doing since you were dead ~ You’re in for it ~ Haunting old Scottish castles was never what ‘THEY’ wanted their sons doing once they were dead 😉



Russian Election Observers: Westminster Rigged Scottish Independence Vote

Paul Joseph Watson
September 19, 2014



They are not wrong either…..…

(Don’t bother reading their crap) ~




If Stalin says there are “3000 Tiger Tanks” where you only see one burnt out 1925 truck, then there’s “3000 Tiger Tanks” and you need to get your eyesight checked cause opticians are scarce in the Gulags ~ If Stalin says what happened in 1942 just happened for the first time in 1945, then once again comrade, get your eyesight checked ~ If David Cameron and Barrack Obama both swear Al Qaeda recruits pink elephants for Muslim terror attacks on the West, or Vlad Putin claims the Scottish Independence vote just occurred (Again) you’d better check back with Stalin first, comrade 😉



What Happens When Scottish Voters Give It Their 110%, According To CNN


Zero Hedge
September 19, 2014

What is most disturbing is that this photo is just as likely to be real as fake.






Daleks got to Scotland? ~ Dr Who hit a ‘Wibbly-Wobbly’ ripple in the time\space warp and his Tardis confused Scotland’s kilts? ~ Prince Phillip is gay? ~ Tell me Obiwan, or you master Yoda, tell us exactly what ‘IS’ the secret to the Jade Buddha? ~ Was the fcuking thing Chinese and 500 ft high + made of solid gold inside? ~ Did John Lennon and Elvis Presley really die because they rejected Richard Nixon’s advances, or did they just turn Muslim? ~


Was it them flying those four imaginary jets into Lady Liberty’s private places those 13 odd years ago? ~ What exactly ‘WAS’ the problem that’s forced world media to so thoroughly soil themselves over timelines and realities? 😦




Robot with “Morals” makes surprisingly deadly decisions


Rob Waugh
Yahoo News
September 18, 2014




Damn ~ They had robots running the last 1050+ years? ~
Well that explains everything ~ The hole we’re all in too ~
Hope that artificial-moon orbiting us hasn’t got a big computer-brain programmed to make all of the escape attempts from our “Death Row” solar-system fail, because otherwise all of our western ‘DEAR-LEADERS’ will never be able to take all of their superior genes to another solar system and infect that with human spawn, meaning our entire reason for existing is pointless according to the master plan ~
Now if you want to call this a ‘WHACKY’ post, then go for it 😉
Otherwise go have an aspirin, a lie down, and a good think 😉




Top Features of Apple iOS8 Revealed


September 19, 2014

Apple CEO Tim Cook says the new iOS8 operating system is safer then its competitors. We put it to the test.




Does it have a silent “VIBRATE-ONLY” mode for quiet moments? ~

(Nothing to do with the phone-bit ~ You turn it off and it just vibrates) ~


That kind of quiet yet powerful “VIBRATE-ONLY” mode that metrosexuals find so pleasing to the ear and pleasant to the hip pocket, or wherever else they wish to put it? ~ Great selling point in a brave new “Feel-me feel-you feel-me” world of mutually shared bipartisan ‘NWO’ consensus ~



Retired Head Of Marine Corps: Obama’s ISIS Strategy Doesn’t Have ‘A Snowball’s Chance In Hell Of Succeeding’


Jamie Weinstein
Daily Caller
September 20, 2014



Heard the one about the metrosexual-marine and the macho gay company drill sergeant who loved (The) marines? ~ Neither have I, however I don’t get around much (Thankfully) anymore, yet the big killer punch line is “Please stop yelling at me Sergeant ~ I’m just not in the mood today” 😉

(Don’t ask, don’t tell, and don’t yell so-much, Sergeant)


January 20, 2020 ~ Jan 20, 2020 ~ Newly nominated  US Secretary of State, former American comedian Jim Carrey stated in Washington today that the US Govt was still unsure if their dead fake Osama “Peter William Vanstone” was one of their own operatives yet, and was still unsure if his childhood friend, accused Australian born terrorist Robby Daniel, was joking or not about shet he wasn’t joking about, or not   🙂


America ~ I ‘STILL’  know who shot JFK in the neck from the Grassy Knoll ~
(To immobilize him first so the kill-shot from the front of the limo couldn’t miss him) ~
It’s not up to me to make a 3rd rate superpower tell the truth after 5 decades ~
Fact is tho, I-know who did it ~ Quite a famous man too ~ So do ya’ll know? ~


Wanna let me go yet America? ~

I-still haven’t broken your laws ~


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