Fractured Fairy Tails ~



“Our Arab Allies Are Funding ISIS”

Really? ~ Because your Arab allies say that it is Y O U who is financing ISIS. And quite frankly based on Amerika’s track record …..


Some things are better left unsaid Gunnery Sargent Highway 😉



The (US Navy) Seal in the vid (She comments on, Carl Higbee) makes a number of obvious Neocon utterings which I and anyone here could parrot, but I think the most obvious is this: “The response needs to be massive”. What the fook were the last 3 wars? “Unbelievably small” invasions? ~ Problem-reaction-solution with the “Solution” being planned in Israel by Zionists and published as the “Fresh Start” plan. All the sand wars are about that and the Neocon “New Middle East” plan. The output, or product, from the perpetual motion (War) machine is dichotomy. The dichotomy is the sum of all the ‘arrows’, or paths that the money follows, and is two-fold: 1) It creates the dichotomy between the few, which becomes fewer every year, and the masses. 2) The rich and the dead-displaced-diseased-disfigured-disillusioned-bankrupted ect ect… The two dichotomies work together in synchronicity to ensure that fewer and fewer become the inheritors of the spoils of war which are paid for by greater and greater numbers of those who lose more and more to the machine. The dichotomies created by war keeps the ruling elite in power eternally…but the machine always always always breaks. Every day we come closer to the day it breaks. When it does, brothers, I stand with you.

Elsa ~ Edited (Condensed) by me 😉



I’m voting ‘Jim Carrey’ as American president in 2016 and Jack Nicholson as the new US Treasury Department Secretary and US Fed Secretary in a role where he’ll have two heads, and a young Clint Eastwood clone as the 2016 ‘LAUGH-IN’ Secretary for Defence ~ Now please don’t get me wrong there, cause the unmolested intellect of each original could do a fine job even if the Columbian section of ‘AL-QAEDA’ attacked America with an updated version of it’s terrible new WMD known as a “Cocaine-Bomb” ~ Hey ~ I’m also not implying anything about their personal habits as in stray bags of white powder which ‘ISN’T’ anthrax anonymously appearing in their mail slots cause, as Charlie Sheen already easily proved, it’s only washing powder 😉
Washington, we believe everything you say ~ You too Charlie ~ You rock 😉


OMG ~ Al-Qaeda\ISIS is going to kidnap Columbia, hide it at Ft Jackson? 😉
Aw-go-on ~ Admit it ~ ‘THAT’ one ‘WAS’ pretty good, tho pretty daft too 😉
After all, somebody would be bound to notice that Columbia was missing, plus the good burgers (sic) of the local towns would be sure to notice a strange new country being hidden at the base, not to mention all the Columbians shopping at WalMart for new AK-47’s and Jeep Cherokees at the local Chrysler dealerships ~ Still could happen tho, cause your govt seems to religiously think you’ll swallow anything they poke in your ears or down your throat ~
(Well blow-me ~ 50 Times More Snow being Forecast by Meteorologists)




Bloomberg Receives French Award for Supporting ‘The Ideals of Liberty’


Elites reward one another for a job well done

Mikael Thalen
September 17, 2014

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg traveled to France this week to receive the country’s top civilian honor. The “Legion d’Honneur”, an award that “Embodies the ideals of liberty”, was given to Bloomberg by Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius Tuesday at the Quai d’Orsay.

Bloomberg joins several other high-profile recipients including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Alan Greenspan and Bono. LOL – can we take anything seriously with those clowns listed



Poor Bono ~ Separated at birth from his half-brother Bobo the Clown 😉





This mayor is gonna be gang banged by Lucifer, Baalzebub, Satan and Hitler if my calculations are correct.


Don’t forget Stalin, Mao, Trotsky, Marx.


Or Mars Jupiter Saturn Zeus Hera and Hermaphrodite either 😉
Then the Jew Trinity will get their freak-on and the party will start as the ‘Great (Illuminated) Long-John in the Sky’ becomes the one and all of the all-in-one ~ Hmm ~ I’ll see if I can cut a deal with Hades to avoid ‘THAT’ illuminated underpants swap-club party in the sky 😉






Lets start with “Our Arab allies?” ~ WE DON’T HAVE ANY!!!!!! The only one’s who will say they are our allies are being PAID to do so!!!!


Dem Republican prevaricators in congress are grateful to the lord in heaven that they don’t live in Republican France during the revolution there, cause in America they got lots of young willing (Political) virgins in the US Military to keep their lousy necks on their lousy stinking prevaricating bodies ~


Tech Firm: More Than 15 Stingray Phone Trackers Operating In D.C.


“I think there’s even more here. That was just us driving around for a day and a half”

Mikael Thalen
September 18, 2014

Mobile security experts discovered what appears to be more than 15 IMSI catchers, commonly referred to as Stingrays, throughout the Washington D.C. area this week.




If the government shows up in your neighbourhood, essentially every phone is going to check in with the government…The government is sending signals through people’s walls and clothes and capturing information about innocent people. That’s not much different than using invasive technology to search every house on a block. The StingRay technology is so new and so powerful that it not only raises Fourth Amendment concerns .





So new? Right sure it is. Eavesdropping on our phone calls… not new



I’d grown up among a serious real world hard core post WW2 black-op which was often peopled by CIA any time old WW2 fascists weren’t ad-libbing their particular brand of big-stupid, as distinct from the CIA version which was always in danger of disappearing up it’s own ass, so the idea of ‘ANY’ secret lasting long was a non-starter and I’d adjusted expectations accordingly, then did my level best work within in and around it, or over under or straight thru the massive monolith of manic institutionalised conformity around me ~


In other words, adapt improvise acquire & do whatever else it takes to keep functioning as a free spirit, then hope what you do can be both productive to your own goals as well as useful to those who are ‘REAL’ friends rather than pretenders, and hope 100 days after you’re dead when ‘ALL’ residual animus soul energy expires, you’ve at least whacked a few foul balls right out of the fcuking ball park and your ‘REAL’ friends are applauding ~
Such is the life of the little-man\woman ~ The Christ still rocks 😉





“Soitently Moe ~ It’s like the difference between fiduciary transparency and how much your real deficit is ~ Got it?” ~ (Learnt it at accountancy school)





Obama insists ground troops will not join ISIS fight, US military less sure

September 18, 2014

Here is how you can make YOUR voice heard to YOUR Congress member in less than five mins. I did it….easy as pie.…




Call your local Rep now and vote “NO” on funding the Kingdom of Narnia ~
(It’s the one in an old English cupboard headed by a Chechen Muslim called Aslan) ~



Hey ~ America ~ Better double-check which planet you’re on ~
(Open the old cupboard-door and take a big peak outside of Narnia) ~





“The is Houston Ground Control to Major Tom ~ This is Houston Grand Control to Major Tom ~ Come in Major ~ You read me? ~ The Eagle has landed ~ Over”
(Yeah? ~ Really Ivan ~ Stop jerking-off  Чувак ~ The coffee-van arrive yet?) ~








Saudi Arabia also funded Barack Hussein Obama’s education and had him placed into office. Isis is a pagan goddess. Islam (Muslims) are pagan. Allah is not the God of Isaac, Jacob or Abraham but Satan. Isis is helping to usher in Satan’s one new world order. Read John’s Revelation in the Bible.


NB; ~ That’s a pretty damn fake sham comment just above even if the person who commented actually believes it ~ Zionist Masons run American politics & they always have ~ Here’s the really serious bits here and at the end ~


(Once upon a time in the west, the term ‘SATAN’ wasn’t meant to refer to an evil devil or devils as such ~ It used to stand for ‘Priests of Aton’ and used to refer to a bunch of old Egyptian priests who were murdered by Pharaoh for refusing to accept the entire fake monotheistic thing, as well as refusing to accept that Pharaoh was the earthly representative of this amazing monotheistic delusion ~ Then Moses borrowed it as part of his biblical myth, yet those who followed him deliberately prevaricated over it’s original intended meaning, meaning the Christ himself had to partially incorporate it into his teachings to keep continuity ~ Notice it was ‘SATAN’ who tried to get the Christ to avoid being murdered ~ Yet the entire sacrificial blood thing which Saul of Tarsus wrongly introduced has tried to claim that they were merely trying to stop the Christ from winning by losing ~ So much of modern religion is like modern American politics in that it’s a crock of misinterpreted ‘SHET’ based on previous erroneous ‘SHET’ that’s been deliberately lied over by those with a vested interest in maintaining the lies at any cost ~ The real Satan’s get pretty damn tired of always being blamed for shet that a faked Judeo-Xtian god and devil which is basically little more than the collective occult of world Zionist Masonry do under their god’s guidance, their god being ‘LUCIFER LIGHT-GIVER’ who remains the lying thieving murdering Zionist ‘GOD OF THIS WORLD’ the Christ spoke of ~ He’s also Lord of paradise and the gaoler of Hades too if you’re dumb enough to fall for his shill under modern religion claiming a mandate from the Christ, yet ignoring obedience to his teachings)




YaaHee WaaHee force Allah Zeus and Hades to do shonky Ponzi scheme scams where your spirit is eaten in paradise and your soul eaten in Hades after your ass ends up on someone’s ritual kabala dinner table in the here and now like happened to Moses Elijah and Christ? ~ What about a ‘HABEAS CORPUS’ on their bodies? ~ No need, cause the Chief Rabbi claims ‘GOD TOOK THEM’ or something ~ (Sure Rabbi ~ Book-em, Danno) ~ Meanwhile, beware angry (Invisible) omnipotent omnipresent cosmic magi in the sky called YaaHee WaaHee or Allah who loves us ~ They’ll get-ya ~ Or the devil will ~ Or the Satan’s who oppose him – Or Zeus might gamble with Hades for them ~ Or the angels will get you ~ Or even ‘ISIS’ or Al-Qaeda or the US Fed ~





America ~ I ‘STILL’  know who shot JFK in the neck from the Grassy Knoll ~
(To immobilize him 1st so the kill-shot from the front of the limo couldn’t miss him) ~
It’s not up to me to make a 3rd rate superpower tell the truth after 5 decades ~
Fact is tho, I-know who did it ~ Quite a famous man too ~ So do ya’ll know? ~


Wanna let me go yet America? ~

I-still haven’t broken your laws ~


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