Reality sucks…

And then you die  😉 So if you’re really lucky you die young, but you just die laughing  😉 Americans Believe Trump Is Worse Than ISIS Prison December 27, 2015 For IN the NOW with Anissa Naouai, The Resident hit the streets of Times Square in New York City to ask people who they think… Continue reading Reality sucks…

Can’t avoid fate…

or a girl called Destiny  😉 House Benghazi Hearings: Too Much Too Late Ron Paul Prison October 26, 2015 Last week the US House of Representatives called former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to appear before a select committee looking into the attack on a US facility in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012. The attack… Continue reading Can’t avoid fate…


Gee, Ooh… ‘Politique?’  😉 Assad’s Enemies May Be Portrayed As Opposition, But He Fights Terrorists – Putin RT The only way to settle the Syrian conflict is to support the existing legitimate government in its fight against terrorism, Russian President Vladimir Putin told CBS’s ‘60 Minutes,’ adding he wants to see a united effort to… Continue reading Géopolitique…

Highly skilled cold hard lawful professional killerz, and other killerz outside of the ring in politics, best labelled professional psychopaths…

Don’t kid yourselves, most, tho not all, well known professional fighters and others could easily accidentally kill someone in a ring in less than a minute if there were no gloves and no referee, and their focus got focussed in the heat of battle, yet in politics the killerz are allowed to almost murder at… Continue reading Highly skilled cold hard lawful professional killerz, and other killerz outside of the ring in politics, best labelled professional psychopaths…

America? = Full of shit!

. (Read the following post to find out how it started) . Syrian No-Fly-Zone a Bid to Save Al Qaeda Tony Cartalucci NEO December 14, 2014 Recent strikes on Syria by Israel have been alleged to be part of a regional plan by the US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel to establish a no-fly-zone… Continue reading America? = Full of shit!

The Happy (US Congress) Hooker

. . Live: Infowars’ 2014 Mid Term Election Coverage Tune in for the latest live updates and more Prison November 3, 2014 . .   Thought_Crimes • a day ago Yawnnn..zzzzzzzzzz Oh wait, after the elections, some new puppets, and business as usual. What a joke! . . .   Bruce Thought_Crimes… Continue reading The Happy (US Congress) Hooker