‘AL’ Tragic-istan…

in North America  😉 US Invasion of Syria Begins Tony Cartalucci NEO October 31, 2015 As previously warned about in June of 2015, the United States has announced that it will officially begin ground operations in Syria through the use of special forces. The Washington Post in its article, “Obama seeks to intensify operations in… Continue reading ‘AL’ Tragic-istan…

Control Out Of…

‘KAOS‘   😉 If you only knew how closely the ‘Get Smart‘ show parodied it’s subject matter  😉 Llook at what the so-called non-existent Bavarian (German) Illuminati who’ve run World Freemasonry for 200+ years on behalf of Swiss Jews in the Octagon Lodge have achieved since they pulled the 911 attacks using a politically blackmailed American Masonic… Continue reading Control Out Of…

Mars attacks? ‘Tack-em back!

Here’s a personal opinion of mine ~ It’s possible, nay probable, that before this next 30 years passes this species may wish to hang 95% of it’s politicians and political media and their minders, either for the sake of self preservation, or simply to punish them for their treason ~ I’m not saying you should… Continue reading Mars attacks? ‘Tack-em back!

Senator Shnott and Company

. Goon Thug Cops Murder At Will Paul Craig Roberts Prison Planet.com December 4, 2014 A gang of goon thug gratuitous murderers has been let off by a racist grand jury and a racist prosecutor. Read the verbiage spewed by NY mayor Bill de Blasio the Obama Puppet:http://rt.com/usa/211203-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-decision/ They are so sorry about the collateral damage… Continue reading Senator Shnott and Company


. . ISIS Leader “Critically Wounded” In US Airstrikes, Al Arabiya Reports Zero Hedge November 9, 2014 While US authorities noted the airstrikes on a 10-vehicle convoy near Mosul, they could not confirm the identity of those killed. *U.S. SAYS COALITION AIRCRAFT STRIKE IS LEADERS NEAR MOSUL: AFP *U.S. OFFICIAL CONFIRMS AIRSTRIKES TARGETED IS LEADERS:REUTERS *U.S. SAYS… Continue reading CONGRESSIONAL PUSSIES AND PASSIVE-AGRESSIVE SEWER RATS