To sanely endure the genocide…

Here’s a quick overview of the real plan of the Order of the Ages…

In the week after America’s Prussian master’s pull their next major false flag as the starter for martial law and then the derailing of even the pretense of civilian control over it’s Prussian run military, if you take the collective populations of the cities of New York, London, Beijing, Berlin, Moscow, Paris and Melbourne Australia which is about 60 million according to the calculator Bill Gates built into the Windows 7 OS and then multiply that by roughly 33.333 (sic) times, well that’s the approximate number of dead people there’ll be on the surface of the earth immediately afterwards, that’s before the lack of food water disease and the inevitable breakdown of sane logical order among survivors leads to a certain amount of mob rule and rioting…

And where will most of the decent tough people be?

Holy Hebrew hypocrisy again?

You’re an amazing place America, on the side of the angels was it?

Are you on the side of the angels when they told the Hebrew pimp\patriarch Abram to sacrifice what was supposedly his wife’s child Isaac to “The Lord“ whoever that is\was, for those still capable of rational logical thought outside of the artificial confines of a belief that what you were told to believe must be true simply because you were told to believe it was true, thus for those who can question their official religious narratives with some form of intelligence beyond believing it’s true just because it’s an accepted part of holy writ, that’s if the child really was the offspring of an old woman who had long since ceased to have her periods which in the real world serve to ready the womb for the blastocyst to implant itself and not just the child of one of the slave girls they’d appropriated as their own, or are you on the side of the angels when they told their Hebrew pimp\patriarch to spare the boy such a cruel brutal and inhuman death?

True is true, false is false…

Some people are easily offended when it comes to religion or politics however if you’re genuinely offended then I’d think that whether you find my sense of humour amusing or not has about as much real relevance to the current realities of American politics which I’ve often been found dryly highlighting as does whether an American proctologist driving a Porsche or a fcuking Mercedes Benz or a Chev Corvette affects the $23 trillion (Per year) US Federal Deficit interest debt by any noticable margin, and in case you never knew that’s the amount Washington’s den of Knight of Malta thieves borrows each year on your behalf merely to pay interest on the real debt they’ve run up on your behalf ever since they illegally borrowed the gold they financed the Nazi’s to loot for them with your money back in 1933…

If they say otherwise, think Cessna Pilot’s…

When truth broke out all over…

Are you in a permanent state of worry or just don’t care anymore?
If either one of those describes your mindset then try to read this post…
The big deep-state wants it that way to stop you asking any questions…
See they’ve been bullshitting to us all for 4000+ years already…

Their sad culture of hypocrites…

Lets talk about hypocrites, the dictionary definition of hypocrites as in a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles etc that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs like maybe a patriot actor on the 4th of July or else some type of Faux religious person who talks smack about god yet conspiratorially helps prevent a pedo dungeon grand jury…

Line by line, precept by precept…

The Hebrew Christ was said to be somewhat of a rebel…
It’s plausible Moses himself swung that way a little bit too…
And prophet Elijah as well, none of them had Habeas Corpus…
My hack-translation says it means to ‘Produce-the-body’…
You could (Should) think about that for yourselves…

Absolute Bullshit…

(Done by absolute ‘BS‘ artists)  😉 Like the song? ~ Yes? ~ No?  😦 Well I-do, so ‘FCUK–OFF‘  😉 There’s another   😉 The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why Tony Cartalucci NEO September 30, 2015 Seymour Hersh has risked much over his decades of journalism. He is a true journalist who has been attacked,… Continue reading Absolute Bullshit…

My faith is in me, just so’s you know…

The ability of American politicians to pull god shtick out of their asses especially at election time and get a kneejerk almost mesmerised reaction from the American people is scary to say the least ~ To have the lowlife pigs try to sit in judgement on my mostly law abiding civic faith as taught to… Continue reading My faith is in me, just so’s you know…

It’s ‘OK’ to question things deeply, and if you feel the urge to mock them too, cool, just don’t pick on the meek, alright?

. Most Americans Favor Invading Syria and Iraq Propagandized ISIS threat turns into consensus for endless war Kurt Nimmo Prison March 9, 2015 According to the Brookings Institution, only the economy is of more concern to Americans than the Islamic State. It cites a Quinnipiac University poll released last week showing nearly 70 percent… Continue reading It’s ‘OK’ to question things deeply, and if you feel the urge to mock them too, cool, just don’t pick on the meek, alright?