Shiny Happy Monsters…

Holding Hands   😉 50 ton-question: Who got US ammo intended for anti-ISIS Arabs? RT October 24, 2015 Arab rebels in northern Syria say they have received none of the ammunition air-dropped by the US. The supplies appear to have ended up with Kurdish fighters, whose anti-ISIS offensive stalled following protests from US ally Turkey. The… Continue reading Shiny Happy Monsters…

And the excuse of choice the illuminated old bastard’s use for denial of a problem is?

. Only The Date Is Unknown Monty Pelerin’s World August 19th, 2015 The Greek bailout is the most recent example of “kick the can down the road” solutions. The US housing bubble was an attempt to cover up/recover from the dot-com bust. Now the US is in a financial bubble engineered to recover from the housing bubble… Continue reading And the excuse of choice the illuminated old bastard’s use for denial of a problem is?

Highly skilled cold hard lawful professional killerz, and other killerz outside of the ring in politics, best labelled professional psychopaths…

Don’t kid yourselves, most, tho not all, well known professional fighters and others could easily accidentally kill someone in a ring in less than a minute if there were no gloves and no referee, and their focus got focussed in the heat of battle, yet in politics the killerz are allowed to almost murder at… Continue reading Highly skilled cold hard lawful professional killerz, and other killerz outside of the ring in politics, best labelled professional psychopaths…

“It’s the terrorism, stupid”

. 5 (1) Charts Which Show That The Next Economic Crash Is Dead Ahead Michael Snyder Economic Collapse March 31, 2015 When an economic crisis is coming, there are usually certain indicators that appear in advance.  For example, commodity prices usually start to plunge before a recession begins.  And as you can see from the… Continue reading “It’s the terrorism, stupid”

Oh the irony of it all, Zion

. Flippant? Or funny? You decide, suckers . Dear Willem Buiter: If Gold Is A 6000-Year Bubble, Then What Is This? Zero Hedge December 5, 2014 Citi claims gold is a 6000-year-old bubble, perhaps Mr. Buiter has not seen this chart? …and funny how Mr. Buiter never wrote any extensive essays about the bubbleness of Citi at any… Continue reading Oh the irony of it all, Zion