America is the…

Nicest people in the world  😉 Americans are the ‘Nicest people in the world’ ~ All except for torturing-me 4 times by age 15 of course, along with ruining my entire childhood by prostituting me from age 4 onwards in a pedo snuff movie brothel ‘CIA’ ran in Oz, America is the nicest people on… Continue reading America is the…

A Masonic Hillary in 2016?

Hillary Clinton Can’t Name A Top Accomplishment While Secretary Of State [VIDEO] Steve Guest Daily Caller September 18th, 2015 Clinton instead said that anyone who is interested in her accomplishments should “read my book ‘Hard Choices.’” Wolf Blitzer: Carly Fiorina, she said if you want to stump a Democrat she said ask them about… Continue reading A Masonic Hillary in 2016?

Does it really matter?

‘STUPID‘ wants me to submit   😉 The problem with that is, to submit to the (Fascist) stupid I’d have to be stupid in the first place, and speaking in a certain amount of ‘Stupidity’ (Snicker) if I’m not being stupid beforehand, then I’d certainly be pretty bloody stupid after, basically because if you think about it… Continue reading Does it really matter?

Mars attacks? ‘Tack-em back!

Here’s a personal opinion of mine ~ It’s possible, nay probable, that before this next 30 years passes this species may wish to hang 95% of it’s politicians and political media and their minders, either for the sake of self preservation, or simply to punish them for their treason ~ I’m not saying you should… Continue reading Mars attacks? ‘Tack-em back!

‘Snot ‘ALL’ funny, Stupid…

No Pole Shift Huh?   😉 Rand Paul Promises To Shut Down NSA Data Center If He Becomes President Chance Moschell Inquisitor August 31, 2015 Republican Senator Rand Paul has been one of the few vocal critics of the U.S. government’s spying programs. He’s the only presidential candidate that has made NSA spying a central topic… Continue reading ‘Snot ‘ALL’ funny, Stupid…