The House of the Rising Sun




Alarming poll response from US Muslims on free speech.


Hannah Bleau
Bizpac Review
September 12, 2014


While some Muslim Americans are joining the ranks to fight for the Islamic State, a newly discovered 2012 poll found that the majority of U.S. Muslims have a fundamental problem with the freedom of speech. The data, collected in October 2012 and analyzed by the public-opinion research firm of Wenzel Strategies, found that 58 percent of Muslims believe criticism of Islam or the prophet Muhammad should be punished as a crime, even under the death penalty, the conservative website WND reported. It appears these faithful have a strict interpretation of the Quran, which states:


“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement” –Quran 5:33


Pollster Fritz Wenzel was taken aback by the results. “Almost half of those Muslims surveyed – an astonishing 46 percent – said they believe those Americans who offer criticism or parodies of Islam should face criminal charges,” Wenzel said in the survey analysis. The poll also found that 40 percent of Muslims believe they should be judged by Shariah law, not the U.S. Constitution, and that 32 percent of Muslims would prefer that Shariah law govern America. So meanwhile back to reality, anyone who isn’t American, where the hell can Americans get a constitution from anyway? The Patriot Act parts 1 & 2 have already lawfully (sic) removed 2\3 of it 😦




If we could swap the Muslims for the Zionists, I’d do it in a heart beat. We’re already under Zionist rule, not speculating about sharia law. That is another Zionist hoax.



Most times life’s obvious choices aren’t always so simple, Billo ~
Take Russia for example ~ They’re in a bit of a bind on that one ~
Imagine poor Vladimir having to decide which half he should keep ~




Something very suss is going-on Lord Falstaff ~

This Ebola virus seems to be spreading Islam ~

It’s all growing like hotcakes ~ Or something ~



You ‘DO’ mean Ebola, Chief Smugnuts? ~ Or the spirit of terrorism? ~
(Those mad Mullah’s don’t seem smart enough to get in out of a sandstorm) ~


Don’t give them any ideas ~ Otherwise the ‘ALLAH KA-ROCK’ brigade will soon be declared by the White House to be a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the American people ~ Then ‘DHS’ will ban rocks and the idiocy will grow larger and larger until even sand itself becomes illegal ~



I am sure that rocks are illegal in Gaza already…WMD.



Never fear ~ There’s a wise old ‘Master-plan’ in play here ~
(It’s all put together by the ancient masters of wise old wisdom) ~



Humans Need Not Apply – Robots Will Take Over the Economy


Michael Krieger
Liberty Blitzkrieg
September 12, 2014

Stop what you’re doing and (Don’t) watch this video which isn’t here anyway.



Please excuse my potentially crude response here Amerika ~


Truth be told, I’ve got some serious brain damage (Really) thru the blood supply to both frontal lobes being cauterised using glass fibre optics lasers to do the dirty deed dirt cheap ~ Bearing that in mind and keeping in mind I’d been a bit of a dcik before it was done, I’d like to see a real life robot replace a p3nis from the point of view of the guy who had one as well as the woman who wants one ~ Many modern women ‘DON’T’ want one and that’s a given on any day the sun rises in the east and then sets in the North West on that very same day, meaning, for the few women still unaffected by our rampant pseudo  kabala ‘ISHTAR’ worship, as well as a few gay bisexual or transgender males, there’s nothing modern science can ever achieve that can ever take the place of a dcik ~ Even modern politics which is often beset by angry frustrated lesbian she-men can’t ‘REALLY’ do without a real world (Fascist) dcik, cause one way or the other, they all wind up eventually acting like one anyway ~
Hope no-one flags this comment ~ Remember ~ I’ve got brain damage 😉


Schizophrenic regressions to past, often imaginary, days of glory in the midst of the mire of confusing complicated issues involved in the denial of all reality, are the very symptoms a good clinical psychiatrist should look for in diagnosing whether a mass murderer they’re treating is truly insane ~


Maybe the same thing goes for jaded old superpower whores that go round the town late at night playing a ‘HAARP’ (sic) to attract new customers, after all of their old John’s no longer desire them? ~

NB: Any similarity between ‘Senator Troll’ and Senator John McCocaine is unintended and imerely due to the fact both are jaded old cartoon character whores who’d struggle to sell a good ‘BJ’  to the cleaner of a Bombay brothel ~

Did you see the size of the hole in the basement of WTC 6 ? Wonder what caused that…………?



“Wonder what caused that…………?”


The implosion of two hundred story buildings caused by jumbo jets full of fuel flying into them..





I said WTC 6……not 1 & 2… plane flew into 6.




It was an act of god ~ (?)





You make yourself look like an idiot when you call God god. Even if you don’t believe in God, the name refers to the idea of a monotheistic Creator God. A god is one of many polytheistic gods. Leftists/atheists/agnostics make everyone stupid.




The original 500 y\o Pagan root word ‘GOD’ simply refers to the “Spirit or soul of a deceased earthly priest or king” rather than omnipotent omnipresent (Invisible) omniscient Abrahamic cosmic magi with “Spooky powers” as Homer Simpson would say, and severe unresolved “Anger management” issues as the inevitable 2016 President-Elect Hilary Clinton might say ~



Obama’s ISIS War is Not Only Illegal, it Makes George W. Bush Look Like a Constitutional Scholar

Michael Krieger
Liberty Blitzkrieg
September 13, 2014

Rudderless and without a compass, the American ship of state continues to drift, guns blazing, often subtly invoking the Judeo-Xtian Abrahamic god to help America to fight the Muslim Abrahamic god, always with the Masonic Lodge in the background pulling the strings of one and all. 


Andrew J. Bacevich, the Boston University political science professor and former Army colonel who lost his son in the Iraq war in 2007, in a recent Reuters article. I have spent the past several days outlining my deep concerns about the “ISIS crisis” and Obama’s willingness to employ extreme propaganda in order to once again embark on another poorly thought out military campaign here and here. What I have also come to realize is that his latest war plan is brazenly illegal and unconstitutional. While critics have been questioning the legality of U.S. military campaigns since the end of World War II, one trend has become clear. With each new President and each new war, we have witnessed those who hold the office act more and more like dictators, and less and less like constitutional executives.



Imagine if the same dynamics of finance x royal\intermarriage and religion + dirty politics that you got now, with each side played off against the other to keep ‘BOTH’ subjugated, with the same secretive ‘Order of the Ages’ running both sides of everything (As you have now) was happening way back then ~
How depressing ~ How true too ~ John Lennon’s “Imagine” was better 😉


Don’t “Imagine” too much tho ~ The reality will creep up on you and give you a good whack on the blindside ~ What this man says ‘MAY’ be half true, yet I’d be very surprised if he’ll even remotely touch on exactly ‘WHO’ ran this in the bigger sense of who ran Al Qaeda ~ Ask the big questions ~ The ‘BIG’ ones ~


(Back in the 1970’s, a pretty-famous secretly Zionist supposedly dead WW2 Masonic Italian fascist who’d taken responsibility for educating me in the true hidden realities of the types of deeply hidden history most people will never learn assured me that ever since the formation of Masonry 400 odd years ago, the result of every single war ever fought, including the Napoleonic Wars as well as WW1 and WW2 and Korea Vietnam et-al had always been decided upon by the powers behind the thrones and the govt’s involved well before any war started ~ Battles themselves didn’t always go to plan, yet the actual outcome of all wars was always a rigged chess game grand-sham) ~
########## ########## ##########


The infamous Muslim ‘AL-BORE’ terror brigade ~


Thank the angry almighty invisible omnipotent omnipresent cosmic magi in the sky that the leaders of the free world in America always protect us from taking any real world Pole Shift preparations for average people on the planet, or else we’d have to have flourishing economies and stable job growth which. as most of you well know, would lead to the sky falling down and the end of the world as we know it ~  Under the overall control of the Chief ‘GWM’ bald eagle of Grand Lodge in America, Senator Chicken-Little of the ‘CFR’ often speaks on this at Bilderberger meetings to the Little Red Hen, as well as to Foghorn Leghorn & Tweetie Bird, and to Daffy & Donald Dcuk (s) as well ~
What? ~ What? ~ Whaaat? ~ Have I-invaded Iraq or Syria or something? 😉


Every element of the complex subject of global warming has junk science behind it serving as the prevailing influence.


“It’s already cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass-monkey’s US Federal deficit reduction plan your majesty ~ We’ll have to do more than throw a few more Arab countries onto the ‘WAR ON TERROR’ fire to ease the Federal Reserve Bank fiduciary debt-pain and unfreeze it’s testicular financial gridlock” ~
“Speak in plain English you horrible little man” ~
“As you wish your majesty ~ We’re screwed” ~



Newest Threat on College Campuses: Micro-aggression

Andrew Klavan 
Truth Revolt
September 12, 2014


Our brave compassionate host with the big knuckles and the extremely poor taste in clothes and hairdressers takes a look at some real-life examples of micro-aggression and the deep harm such assaults can really do.




Micro-aggressions take place when, for instance, a woman sees a black male and clutches her purse more tightly making it too damn hard for him to snatch the thing away from her, or when two men hear a woman speaking and look at one another like this [makes a face] the universal sign language for “Irrational woman” ~ So don’t let them see you do that because you know women.  [makes the face] To combat the tragedy of micro-aggression, we have collected real life MA experiences and submitted them to experts for commentary and advice. ‘TRIGGER-WARNING’ ~ These are genuine examples of micro-aggression and may cause you to experience some of the terrifying injustice of being a minority or female college student in today’s America.


Better issue a big “TUGGER-WARNING” for all campuses east of the Rocky Mountains if you wish to stop all this micro-aggression among survivors of WW3 WW4 WW5 and immanent world wide Pole Shift etc ~ It’s just a sad underlying socioeconomic symptom the best clinical psychologists associate with too much tugging and stuff ~ That’s the nice way of saying you’re a big wanker ~ As for you college kids west of the Rockies, you’re pretty safe because pretty soon California will slide into the Pacific and drag everything else west of the Rockies with it, so it’ll all be over for you anyway ~
What? ~ Whaaat? ~ You think I’m a ‘WHAT’ doctor? ~ A ‘TUGGER’ you say? 🙂





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