A line of illogical logic



Once Again Obama Shows He Is Clueless About The Middle East


Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
September 11, 2014



WW3 !!!


Bomb Switzerland where all the really-big human worms hang out ~
(Course I’m jesting ~ Switzerland is a lovely place all full of gay Swiss ppl) ~
The big kinetic-energy bunker-busters that the ‘NWO’ made America take off their nuclear subs are just the weapon to do the job ~ Much-much better than nukes could ever be ~ Don’t forget to do Denver either guys, plus all of those other bunkers where the Zionist Masonic scum will hide in ~
They’re bunker-space for elite weasels + their inbred offspring who’s time in the sane world is now fast finishing ~ There’s not much you can do to either begrudge them their day of genocidal infamy or their special place in the bunkers after they murder you, tho you sure-as-shet ‘CAN’ effectively haunt the bastards and drive them nuts in said bunkers till the very end of days ~
G.W. Bush pretended to be an idiot. He is not. If media tells you someone is a moron, chances are he is not. If media tells you someone is a kook, chances are he is wise (Ron Paul). If media tells you someone is intelligent, he is a moron.

Thanks for your excellent summation, Professor Rxantos ~
Your perspectives are certainly pregnant with great wisdom and also contain so many official state approved half truths that I’ve suddenly become fearful that when ‘SHET’ hits the fan for real, then ‘BOTH’ sides of this idiotic moronic world wide political and psychological illusion will already have you on a hit list of troublemakers to be removed to the camps ~  You’re a real inspiration to those of us lesser brethren who were cursed with little more mental alacrity than that of a brain dead dissected frog being poked with electricity by a brilliant 18th century scientist using a galvanic battery ~
The ex US President GW (Chuckie) Bush was never an idiot as you rightly claim Professor Rxantos ~ Truth be told he was simply an alcoholic who discovered the joys of cocaine after moving into politics, then remembered how few times he ever had to explain himself doing stupid ‘SHET’ to his daddy just so long as he only ever started with “Hell, I was done drunk, Daddy” ~
This soon became his (Hidden) political persona 😉

(Just for the record, if everything is the exact opposite of what the media portrays it as, which I’ve no logical reason to disbelieve, then does that mean that far from being patriots, both Ron and Rand Paul are little more than shit-stains on the shroud that now covers what’s left of American democracy? ~ Do you think that’s going too far?)

Why don’t PP mention who is really behind ISIS?



GHW Bush once told me that Arabs were smelly, and I’d kind of wondered at the time why he thought I’d give a hoot ~ Now everything that George put in place in America smells likes roses (SNICKER) who’s smelly now George? ~


Russia warns US


BBC News
September 11, 2014


Something you should know and accept about Syria Iraq and Libya~
Most of Syria’s gold bullion was sent overseas under (Uncle) Assad Senior who, no matter ‘WHAT’ his personal feelings were, had little choice at the time other than to either obey the International Zionists on that, or have his country turned into a large piece of glass ~ Remember, at the same time Syria was supposedly the main state sponsor of terror, America was sending terror suspects to Syria to be questioned in the unique manner Syrian Intelligence had acquired both during and after WW2 when ex Nazi ‘SS’ (Secret) Zionists gained powerful positions there under the guise of peaceful reason ~


The entire question of Iraq and it’s people is the biggest pile of disinfo America has done since the Cold War ~ In addition to being a stooge for International Zionism,  Hussein collected 1000’s upon 1000’s of tons of gold for Zion ~


After he fell out of favor, perhaps by writing his infamous book which I’ve never read “Za-Biba & the King” or merely because he was pissed about being scammed during Kuwait and Gulf War One, he died ~ It was a done deal already by the time his son in law travelled to America for 3 months in 1995 with ‘EVIDENCE’ that Iraq had already disarmed itself of ‘ALL’ of it’s WMD’s, and then his son-in-law was murdered by those who murdered him ~


Saddam was replaced by one of his 9 lookalike security doubles in time for the UN Weapons Inspectors whose real job was limited to locating all the gold stashes ~ Said gold was in safe US hands by the “Mission Accomplished” moment, which Washington then played like a patriotic Stradivarius violin ~


Gaddafi was also a collector of gold for International Zionism ~


At the time of his so called shooting death, a lookalike cousin’s corpse was displayed for the sake of the West with a bullet to the head and the gold bullion was already out of the country as various Libyans were murdered for complaining ~ Benghazi only occurred when the brave Libyan people began to gain traction in the international media over their complaints their gold bullion had all been stolen ~ And  now, covering up ‘THIS’ obscene piece of warped recent history at any cost in human life is what’s truly behind the big hypocritical Washington push for more war in the Middle East ~


“Shock, panic, fear, loathing, terror, confusion, death despair & disaster” ~
Are you growing tired of always seeing these horrible terribly-depressing old germy words floating around in your toilet bowl? ~ Don’t despair ~ Our new ‘NWO’ atomic toilet bowl cleaner ‘NEW-KIT’ will leave your toilet bowl so clean you could drink out of it just after an almost dead African Ebola victim vomits blood in there ~ Folks ~ I’m Alex Jones and I endorse this product ~


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