Is ‘HE’ mocking-us again?

Ali Meyer CNS News  September 9, 2014 ~ On the average day, unemployed America is more likely to be shopping—for things other than groceries and gas—than to be looking for a new job ~ (Bureau of Labor Statistics) ~



Last time I’d checked, you often have to have money to buy shopping stuff 🙂

This mean they all gotta do a ‘Shtick-up’ (sic) on Wall St before they shop? 🙂



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They probably sprayed it on Africa as a test. I mean what are
Africans going to do about it, THROW ROCKS AT PLANES?




Don’t give them any ideas ~ Otherwise the ‘ALLAH KA-ROCK’ brigade will soon be declared by the White House to be a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the American people ~ Then ‘DHS’ will ban rocks and the idiocy will grow larger and larger until even sand becomes illegal ~


What will America do if the Muslim terror brigade known as ‘ALKY-BOLA’ forms and goes viral because someone got just a little too drunk down at Langley one night and forgot (To use) a condom, thus causing cross-infection between CIA’s idiot lies about Muslims, Muslim terror, and\or ‘Al-Shebola’ and it’s idiot lies about rampant virus’s that don’t exist in Africa ~
(Ebola was only a cover-story for biological weapons testing by the West) ~
An unproved rather droll response to my whacky-humor ~

Call us islamiphobes and put us Christians in jail.

What do you get if you cross an Islamophobe with a homophobe as well as then mate them with a fiscally conservative anti-liberal hard ass bisexual Texas congressional hangman with cousins in Wall St and the London square mile banking district? ~ You might get Republican Governor ‘Attila the Hun’ who’s the next Republican presidential nominee for 2016 Ay? 😉
It all depends on whether they’ll play the right game or not ~


Our overall terror ‘Threat-level’ in Australia has just been raised by current Australian PM Tony (Phony) Rabbit and his ‘TEAM ALLAH-BAALA’ who all appear in the photo below ~ A quick look at the worried looks on the faces as he holds an imaginary foot wide ‘ISIS’ testicle in his hands shows just how serious Australia takes this new threat to the Middle Eastern world ~
Dear god in heaven help us all, cause if one testicle measures a foot across then whatever else them ‘ISIS’ dudes can do, logistically they’re going to be leaving 6 ft long feces laying around everywhere which any one of our poor brave soldiers may accidentally step in if they’re on night patrol ~




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Life is better when you’re laughing ~ Relax guys !!!!!
America should indeed SMOKE some congressional weed 🙂



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