. . Ray McGovern, CIA Analyst for 27 Years, is Arrested and Roughed Up in NYC Michael Krieger Liberty Blitzkrieg November 1, 2014 The following post should serve as a serious red flag to all of you who currently mindlessly serve the state in some capacity. First off, here’s a little background on Ray MacGovern. His bio… Continue reading STILL NOT JOKING, ZION

Is ‘HE’ mocking-us again?

. Unemployed More Likely to Shop on Average Day Than Look for Job . Ali Meyer CNS News  September 9, 2014 ~ On the average day, unemployed America is more likely to be shopping—for things other than groceries and gas—than to be looking for a new job ~ (Bureau of Labor Statistics) ~ .  … Continue reading Is ‘HE’ mocking-us again?