Cunny Funt…

China Says Russia Could Shoot Down Turkish Jet in Retaliation Situation represents ‘most critical moment since the end of the Cold War’ Paul Joseph Watson Prison November 24, 2015 Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece the Global Times warns that Russia could be considering a retaliatory shoot down of a Turkish warplane “In response to today’s… Continue reading Cunny Funt…


. Isis tricked victims into appearing calm with beheading rehearsals Rebecca Ratcliffe London Guardian March 11, 2015 Foreign hostages captured by Islamic State were subjected to numerous mock beheadings and were unaware they were about be killed, a former member of the jihadi group has said, offering an apparent explanation for why they seem so… Continue reading “WHAT?”

Photos never lie your honor

. The Truth About ISIS & Obama’s War Speech (The best enemies money can buy) Paul Joseph Watson Prison September 10, 2014 . “By announcing a plan to arm so-called ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels who have directly provided weapons to ISIS terrorists, in addition to air strikes inside Syrian territory, Obama is pouring gasoline on… Continue reading Photos never lie your honor