Never smile at a…

Congressional Crocodile  😉 Clinton Testimony: Ranking Republican Claims Dems Deliberately Hindered Benghazi Investigation “It may be smart politics but it is a lousy way to run a serious investigation” Steve Watson October 22, 2015 After months of calling the Benghazi investigation a partisan attempt to bring down her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton today arrived… Continue reading Never smile at a…

American anal virginity…

Why Capital Is Fleeing China: The Crushing Costs of Systemic Corruption Pollution and environmental damage is driving away human capital, i.e. talent. Charles Hugh Smith Of Two Minds September 5, 2015 What China will be left with a poisoned land stripped of talent and capital. Corruption isn’t just bribes and influence-peddling: it’s protecting the privileges of… Continue reading American anal virginity…

Who’s The Real Suckers, You Twits?

. For ppl with ‘TWITTER-SYNDROME‘  😉 Shorter post for poor feeble fcuk’s   😦 . One Last Look At The Real Economy Before It Implodes – Part 4 Brandon Smith Alt Market April 9, 2015 In the first three installments of this series, we examined the realities behind supply and demand, unemployment and personal debt, and… Continue reading Who’s The Real Suckers, You Twits?