How to die laughing…

RNC Debate Highlights The best clips from the latest RNC debate Prison January 15, 2016 Insight on the Republican National Committee debate. This article was posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 at 12:42 pm   Billo • 17 hours ago Anybody mention justice for 911 criminals, chemtrails, gmo poison, fluoride, jewish defacto rule. No, just… Continue reading How to die laughing…

Po America ~ ‘Po-Po’ fascist America

TRUTH DEAD YET?   😦 WELL HUMOUR IS STILL KICKING   😉 . Hillary Clinton wiped email server clean, refuses to turn it over Stephen Dinan Washington Times March 28, 2015 Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has refused to turn her email server over to an independent third party and claims she has wiped the… Continue reading Po America ~ ‘Po-Po’ fascist America

They claim no-one understands their complicated treasonous sham

COLD HARD FACT   😦 . Russia threatens Denmark with nuclear weapons if it tries to join Nato defence shield ADAM WITHNALL London Independent March 22, 2015 Russia has threatened to target Denmark’s warships with nuclear weapons if the Scandinavian nation becomes a member of Nato’s missile defence shield. In comments which have been met with… Continue reading They claim no-one understands their complicated treasonous sham