An Inconvenient Proof

. How dumb are you, America?  😦 . US-Israel Wage War on Iran in Syria Tony Cartalucci  NEO April 4, 2015 (McCain’s Mid East fiction = Rocking-horse poop) The ongoing conflict in Syria has always been a proxy conflict aimed at Iran, as well as nearby Russia, and more distant China. As far back as… Continue reading An Inconvenient Proof

Oh the irony of it all, Zion

. Flippant? Or funny? You decide, suckers . Dear Willem Buiter: If Gold Is A 6000-Year Bubble, Then What Is This? Zero Hedge December 5, 2014 Citi claims gold is a 6000-year-old bubble, perhaps Mr. Buiter has not seen this chart? …and funny how Mr. Buiter never wrote any extensive essays about the bubbleness of Citi at any… Continue reading Oh the irony of it all, Zion