Oh the irony of it all, Zion

. Flippant? Or funny? You decide, suckers . Dear Willem Buiter: If Gold Is A 6000-Year Bubble, Then What Is This? Zero Hedge December 5, 2014 Citi claims gold is a 6000-year-old bubble, perhaps Mr. Buiter has not seen this chart? …and funny how Mr. Buiter never wrote any extensive essays about the bubbleness of Citi at any… Continue reading Oh the irony of it all, Zion

Lying Masonic Treason + lying timelines are everywhere and it’s getting way beyond any kind of a joke (Snicker)

. SO ZION CAN’T FUNCTION WITHOUT THE LYING? . Cops Celebrate (Replayed & Re-run) Garner Decision: “Let Us Kick Some Thug Ass” Shocking comments highlight crass justification for police brutality Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com December 4, 2014 . .   john born again in the usa (To) Vengeance • To be Fair to the… Continue reading Lying Masonic Treason + lying timelines are everywhere and it’s getting way beyond any kind of a joke (Snicker)

Funny stupid silly & wise

. . TED CRUZ: ‘The World Is On Fire’ Colin Campbell Business Insider December 2, 2014 Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) attacked what he described as “the Obama-Clinton foreign policy” in a wide-ranging speech on Tuesday. “It’s almost as if the whole world is on fire right now,” Cruz said at a Washington event hosted by… Continue reading Funny stupid silly & wise