‘Whack’ for my Daddio…

There’s Whiskey In the Jar-O  😦 Google Freaks Out After Alex Jones Storms Headquarters Big Brother gets nervous when little brother watches back Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com October 23, 2015 While Google has become notorious for spying on Internet users, when Alex Jones attempted to film inside the company’s headquarters in downtown Austin, he… Continue reading ‘Whack’ for my Daddio…

Never smile at a…

Congressional Crocodile  😉 Clinton Testimony: Ranking Republican Claims Dems Deliberately Hindered Benghazi Investigation “It may be smart politics but it is a lousy way to run a serious investigation” Steve Watson Prisonplanet.com October 22, 2015 After months of calling the Benghazi investigation a partisan attempt to bring down her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton today arrived… Continue reading Never smile at a…

Calling Doctor Kildare…

Calling Doctor Kildare   😉 Anything to distract you from a sane solution…. DOJ Creates “Domestic Terrorism” Division, Previously Labeled Libertarians, Conservatives “Domestic Extremists” Given past history, DOJ’s “domestic terrorism counsel” will politically persecute libertarians and conservatives Kit Daniels Prison Planet.com October 15, 2015 The Justice Department has created a “domestic terrorism” division after previously labeling… Continue reading Calling Doctor Kildare…

A Masonic Hillary in 2016?

Hillary Clinton Can’t Name A Top Accomplishment While Secretary Of State [VIDEO] Steve Guest Daily Caller September 18th, 2015 http://content.jwplatform.com/players/OGbH6Olx-hLb0vkFd.html Clinton instead said that anyone who is interested in her accomplishments should “read my book ‘Hard Choices.’” Wolf Blitzer: Carly Fiorina, she said if you want to stump a Democrat she said ask them about… Continue reading A Masonic Hillary in 2016?

Po America ~ ‘Po-Po’ fascist America

TRUTH DEAD YET?   😦 WELL HUMOUR IS STILL KICKING   😉 . Hillary Clinton wiped email server clean, refuses to turn it over Stephen Dinan Washington Times March 28, 2015 Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has refused to turn her email server over to an independent third party and claims she has wiped the… Continue reading Po America ~ ‘Po-Po’ fascist America

Snow sarcasm, just simple fact

.    WARNING   😦 An ‘NSA‘ phishing-site   😦 . Our Middle Eastern “Allies” Fund Terrorists Abroad So They Won’t Attack Them At Home Washington’s Blog March 1, 2015 March 1, 2015?   😉 March 1, 2015?   😉 March 1, 2015?   😉 . Top U.S. generals say that our closest Middle Eastern “allies” support ISIS. The Independent reported last week: Dr… Continue reading Snow sarcasm, just simple fact