Lying Masonic Treason + lying timelines are everywhere and it’s getting way beyond any kind of a joke (Snicker)

. SO ZION CAN’T FUNCTION WITHOUT THE LYING? . Cops Celebrate (Replayed & Re-run) Garner Decision: “Let Us Kick Some Thug Ass” Shocking comments highlight crass justification for police brutality Paul Joseph Watson Prison December 4, 2014 . .   john born again in the usa (To) Vengeance • To be Fair to the… Continue reading Lying Masonic Treason + lying timelines are everywhere and it’s getting way beyond any kind of a joke (Snicker)

Making funny of the 4th of July

. ACTUALLY, MAKING FUNNY OF JEW LIES ~ (THEY SURE DO DO A LOT OF THEM NOW) ~ . AFTER THE 911 ATTACKS, SHIT GOT WEIRD ~ (THE BIGGEST ‘SHTICK’ ON THE 4th of JULY) ~ IT’S ALL HIGHLY ACCURATE SARCASM HERE ~ . . The New World Order: Does It Just Boil Down To… Continue reading Making funny of the 4th of July