Shiny Happy Monsters…

Holding Hands   😉 50 ton-question: Who got US ammo intended for anti-ISIS Arabs? RT October 24, 2015 Arab rebels in northern Syria say they have received none of the ammunition air-dropped by the US. The supplies appear to have ended up with Kurdish fighters, whose anti-ISIS offensive stalled following protests from US ally Turkey. The… Continue reading Shiny Happy Monsters…

Political & spiritual dinosaurs

. Argentine prosecutor shot point blank in forehead: official AFP January 25, 2015 January 25, 2015?   😦 January 25, 2015?   😦 January 25, 2015?   😦 . An Argentine prosecutor found dead shortly before he was about to make explosive allegations about President Cristina Kirchner took a bullet point-blank to his forehead, justice officials said Saturday.… Continue reading Political & spiritual dinosaurs

Somebody’s lying again

. . SARCASM? ~ MOI?   🙂 . . Ferguson Grand Jury Reaches Decision Prison November 24, 2014 The grand jury empaneled to consider indicting Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of Michael Brown has reached a decision. From the Washington Post: . .   Et.Tu.Britass • 14 minutes ago “Ferguson Grand Jury… Continue reading Somebody’s lying again