Audacious Audacity Ad-Infinitum, Audacious Tenacity Ad-Libbed…

It’s a Conspiracy Lil’ Jimmy   😉 Donald Trump the Demagogue Michael Krieger Liberty Blitzkrieg July 18, 2015 It’s not too interesting to say that Donald Trump is a nationalist and aspiring despot who is manipulating bourgeois resentment, nativism, and ignorance to feed his power lust. It’s uninteresting because it is obviously true. It’s so true that… Continue reading Audacious Audacity Ad-Infinitum, Audacious Tenacity Ad-Libbed…

It’s ‘OK’ to question things deeply, and if you feel the urge to mock them too, cool, just don’t pick on the meek, alright?

. Most Americans Favor Invading Syria and Iraq Propagandized ISIS threat turns into consensus for endless war Kurt Nimmo Prison March 9, 2015 According to the Brookings Institution, only the economy is of more concern to Americans than the Islamic State. It cites a Quinnipiac University poll released last week showing nearly 70 percent… Continue reading It’s ‘OK’ to question things deeply, and if you feel the urge to mock them too, cool, just don’t pick on the meek, alright?

Oh the irony of it all, Zion

. Flippant? Or funny? You decide, suckers . Dear Willem Buiter: If Gold Is A 6000-Year Bubble, Then What Is This? Zero Hedge December 5, 2014 Citi claims gold is a 6000-year-old bubble, perhaps Mr. Buiter has not seen this chart? …and funny how Mr. Buiter never wrote any extensive essays about the bubbleness of Citi at any… Continue reading Oh the irony of it all, Zion