‘Whack’ for my Daddio…

There’s Whiskey In the Jar-O  😦 Google Freaks Out After Alex Jones Storms Headquarters Big Brother gets nervous when little brother watches back Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com October 23, 2015 While Google has become notorious for spying on Internet users, when Alex Jones attempted to film inside the company’s headquarters in downtown Austin, he… Continue reading ‘Whack’ for my Daddio…

Never smile at a…

Congressional Crocodile  😉 Clinton Testimony: Ranking Republican Claims Dems Deliberately Hindered Benghazi Investigation “It may be smart politics but it is a lousy way to run a serious investigation” Steve Watson Prisonplanet.com October 22, 2015 After months of calling the Benghazi investigation a partisan attempt to bring down her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton today arrived… Continue reading Never smile at a…

Treason, or Masonic patriotism?

. First, a seriously–serious factual view   😦 . Russian Air Force to Get at Least 50 New Strategic Tu-160 Blackjack Bombers Sputnik May 28, 2015 The Russian Air Force will receive no less than 50 new Tu-160 (Blackjack) heavy strategic bombers. The Russian Defense Ministry will purchase no less than 50 new Tu-160 (Blackjack) heavy strategic… Continue reading Treason, or Masonic patriotism?